
Man on meat oh man
Isn't writing this sort of book pointless by now??? I mean, everyone who's smart enough and has enough time to read books like this already knows that eating factory meat is bad for the animals invovled. I don't know one stinkin person who doesn't realize that animals are treated harshly in the meat

Hi Mr. Todd! I am sad for you because now everyone on here is going to hate you forever because you mentioned SATC. I personally think that show is stooopid too but its the same thing as Entourage - a fantasy about being vapid and rich and not having to do anything besides eat healthy lunches and go to clubs and look

Circus Circus is the child of a Lite Brite drawing of a homeless man jerking off inside an elephants tummy and the Jerry Lewis holocaust clown smoking a cigar inside a gas chamber.

I didnt like that show Buffy but I was gonna watch Serenity tonight before I go sleepypoo…Is it a good movie?

We are going to do this people!!!!! Top 3 Wire characters (I personally think Omar's a little overrated)

I consider MYSELF an artist
Oh man Robin really IS annoying isnt she. She gets all pity boo hoo about her stupid age all day and night and has the dumb fake pride crap and makes up for her bad cooking with stupid haircuts. Her whole personality reeks of scented candles and big puffy dogs and deckchairs in South

Dear Frederick, thank you for your nice letter, but I am actually a US Marine who was born to kill, whereas clearly you seam to have mistaken me for some sort of wine sipping, communist dick suck. And although peace probably appeals to tree hugging bi-sexuals like you and your parents, I happen to be a death-dealing,

The behind the scenes footage is amazing. The guy sitting in the tent for 14 days straight waiting for the birds of paradise to do the mating dance; the makeshift hot air balloons crashing in the African jungle; the aforementioned hunt. It just shows how much care and effort and straight up man hours was put into the

Makes me think of Once there was this kid who got into an accident and couldn't leave to pee or whateves (whatevs in spanish :))…jk

Is it just me
I dunno this season just isn't doing the magic things for me like it used to. But I'm trying to figure out if I'm just sick of the show or if its actually gotten worse. I think it has gotten worse tho and I think its cuz Larrys just much funnier when he's not running around being a doucheterd to

Of course it's the Wire. THE WIRE!!!!

Also, fwiw, I bet that shows like Glenn Beck are going to get even more offensive and ignorant after yesterday's horrifying tragedy. The inevitable soapboxing and racial/religious hatred is about to get stepped up. Of course, if this really does turn out to be some kind of 'homegrown terrorism' it seems like a crystal

How was Glenn Beck? I don't understand the reference…watching his show just makes me want to mutilate a squirrels private parts…Why, did someone say I watch that show?

I don't know, just yeeessssssss.

I think City of God is the movie only movie that feels like it lasts about 7 hours but also feels like it lasts about 10 seconds. Robert Altman loved it too :)

lol you think its ME? What do you mean, mr 2? Justin looks like he's about 14 in his pic and I don't really like special effects in movies that much, I mean I don't mind them but they tend to correlate with cliched stories ya know? Also I have a laptop (I'm on it right now in fact!) and also…I AM ME! And nooo I don't

WAYNES WORLD, man that movie has a special place in my heart from a special time in my life when I lived in a not so fun place in like 7th and 8th grade but I would watch that movie alots cuz my brothers loved that shit and would make me watch (well not make me but what was I gonna do, go play with that stupid tire

Grosse Point Blank
City of God
Little Women
Michael Clayton
Le Circle Rouge
Mystery, Alaska
28 Days Later
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang

Sorry, had to stop posting for a sec, hard to explain. I have this cardboard wine I could bring itd be fun, you guys must like wine in the winter. Winkin wine and weadin wists in da wintah wundahwand! I was in a book store the other day and saw it in the 'funky' section, the one that is like "20 ways to survive the

NO NYC :(((
Hey you should get in the truck and come down to NYC and I want to meet you guys, what kind of food do you like I can bring pasta salad or fishcakes or dessert?