
Music that doesn't stem from a cultural foundation? Thanks for affirming what I was trying to say - punks think their music is 'important'. What you forgot is that 99% of dudes start punk bands because they know it will help them get their balls licked by punk chicks. So if what you meant by 'speaking to a history'

I think In America is also a pretty effective 'sense of place' movie, which is ironic cuz sometimes you'll see cars or whatever in the background that are obviously from the '90's and the movie takes place in the '70's. Same exact thing with Squid in the Whale, come to think of it. Though Samantha Morton wasn't in

I know what you mean, Noel. There's a few scenes where it feels like it shouldn't work and is borderline self-absorbed/pretentious, but just clicks and comes across as moving and awesome. Like when she goes into the party with Aphex Twin playing in the background, it feels like if it was a little bit different it

But thanks for one thing. I don't think it hit me until this article that punk has become what classic rock was to the last generation. Well meaning nostalgia slowly transformed into self-satisfying smugness, superiority, and exaggeration of the impact on culture. Boomers have tirelessly tried to shape the history of

Load of shit here
Most music in every genre is just bad. So to predicate an argument by pointing out the great, troubled punk bands and then comparing them to 'most indie-rock crap' is manipulative and faulty, and I'm sure you're aware of this, which makes you a dipshit. Punk has just as much disspiriting, creatively

Whatever, this dude does TV. Barf. I prefer random roles to highlight the misfits of the acting community. Like your Jeremy Davies portrait. That fucking guy knows how turn down roles that perpetuate the ruling establishment class.

Guess not.

Maybe Lester is saving himself
Maybe Lester wants Clay Davis in his pocket for when the shit hits the fan with the homeless murders. But I don't really know what Clay could do. Sheeeiiiitttt, I'm gonna go take my silver tongued bullshit to the bar and talk to some frat douches about lacrosse since they watch Walker,

Hey Noel!
Yo, Noel. Did you fall asleep on the shitter? Are you that broken up over that Once song? You haven't blogged in about 40 minutes, lazy ass. I guess Donna has her needs…

Diablo Cody wants us to see her snatch
Was she walking like a hunchback because she was afraid the front of her dress would crop up so high that we'd see her pubes if she stood up straight? She looked like she bought that dress from my biker Aunt who lives in North Dakota.

There will be balls in my mouth
Thank you director of that 8 hour movie for skimping on the casting budget so I had to sit there with my bf at the campus center for an hour after the movie trying to explain to him that the preacher guy was actually two different people in the movie. You have enough money to hire

"It's disappointing that the AV Club chose to add to the sophomoric acclaim surrounding this film, rather than deflate it."

The only way I ever found I could describe this movie was as a satire of something that didn't precisely exist. I know this sounds like some pretentious crap you'd hear on here from some whiny bitches, but does anybody else understand what I'm saying?

Nature is overrated
So this guy is 'deep' because he pooped in bushes? Please. Him sleeping in the woods is about as deep as my little sister stealing earrings at the mall.

If your co-workers had a healthy sense of humor they wouldn't be laughing at your column. So if they are laughing at your column, they don't have a good sense of humor. In which case, it does sound like a hard group of people to work with.

Donna is Amelie's mother from what geneological things I have found online.

Um, you are thinking of Gravity's Rainbow albtraum. And they were not making all V2 rockets, just a particular type with all the zeroes. Get your facts straight.

Not exactly Jonesing for this movie
Those movies treated Africa like it was nothing more than a stomping ground for Woody Harrison to play with a whip. Racist from start to finish.

When I was a senior in high school my boyfriend was a freshman in college. He actually bought me that clone-a-pussy from a sex shop near his campus. But I made him a clone of my butthole instead.

I call bullshit
If you had ever done hallucinogens you'd know that's not what it is like.