Plastic Nag

I'm sick of euphemisms for death. People die. They don't "pass," they're not "lost." Stephen Hawking will die, possibly sooner rather than later; and a titan of human thought will be gone.

Bah, the joke sounds like a Jay Leno joke. C-

"Quoting a readily-available and ubiquitously-seen television sketch makes me clever!"


No shit. You know the economy's getting bad when even music videos- which are product placements for bands- have turned into giant product placements for other products. The Absurdity Feedback Loop is destroying my brain.

Okay, "My Mind Just Came in Your Mouth" is officially going to be the title of my next album.

Screamy growly vocals always have, and always will come across to me as nothing more intense than the worldy woes of a prepubescent boy. Fucking grow up already, metal fans.

What do you mean by "1/4 notes." You mean quarter tones? If so, that sounds really cool…

The worst part is all that Capital elitism. The lowercasers keep getting left in the lurch.
