
"You coming to our BBQ this weekend?"
"No.  Arrested Development.  Netflix.  Fuck off."

This is a reasonable allocation of corporate funds.

Taylor Swift?

More like Epic FAIL, amirite?

@avclub-fec1b8d3fbc08f27a84e5a334d45bb5a:disqus  discovers the hidden truth behind movies that lack a name!!

AV Club
This Ain't Fill the Void

"And yet a sense of creative dehydration still pervades"

"You're arresting us because we look like we're up to no good?!?"

I clap for movies I like and the bee-line for the door as to not get caught behind the handicappeds.
I clap harder for theater cleanliness.

It's a Furious Day to Fast Hard

"….he's from Barcelona."  Smiles and nods knowingly.

The Aristocats?

Whadhe say?  Whadhe say?


I think I got away with it…

The car.  It's a hateful little piece of crap.

Also, the dopey French police cars.  Peugeot 207s or whatever.  Little hatchbacks.


Especially the "Awdi" S8.  Something that can shove a little.  Custom injectors.
