
I thought he was just looking for any excuse to turn away from her and towards his wife. The hand sanitizer just happened to be in the area. But I like your version too.

Sloooow Start
I've been pumped all summer for Chuck to come back, and I'm still pumped for the next episode tomorrow night. These two episodes were just kind of lackluster. For one thing, it feels like there' been zero actual advancement - the Intersect works differently now, but the characters all got pretty

I'm surprised everyone liked this episode so much. I appreciated all the plot points and how they were working to flesh out the secondary characters, but the writing for the specific scenes was just awful. The dialogue was just cloying with schmaltz, and the pacing felt slow, as if the show wants every cheesy

How meta…
The show was killed off. But it gets to come back ever so briefly to tell us what was happening when it died, before being snuffed out once again.

Presumably, at some point off-screen, Composite Echo agrees to go back and finish the contract with full understanding of the situation. That would probably make Ballard's choice a lot easier.

I thought "wedge" was awesome! Considering that Topher deals with these things every day and that his job revolves completely around them, of COURSE he would come up with a short nickname for them — he certainly wouldn't just call them "off-the-shelf hot-swappable disk drives" every time he needs to refer to the

I wonder if they did a run-through of the scene with Reed Diamond in the chair so that Victor could better emulate him? I think they did something like that in "Big"…

"In the car I go!"

Is that Chuck's bedroom?
What does Devon say when he discovers Casey's spying computer? It seems like he's swearing, and it sounds something like "Freight-burger"? Which I wouldn't blink twice at if it were on 30 Rock, but doesn't make any sense here.

Oh, there's no way Chuck is de-Intersected. I am calling this now: Chevy Chase manages to rustle up some layabout Fulcrum agents and crash the wedding, The Team fights them off, the wedding happens with a thick helping of cuts to Chuck and Sarah during the vows. Then, at the reception, somebody comes up to shakes

My Only Chance to Get This Minor Complaint Out of My Head
This week's episode finally helped me put a finger on one of the (very few) things I DON'T like about "Chuck": Chuck's incessant stating of plot points, often with the exact same phrases over and over and over again. It seems like every segment of every show,

It would also provide a chance for 49B to come back and get all up in Casey's business. By which I mean pants.

Chuck's Dad seems like a more likely contender, if only because it will preserve the premise. No question that Devon would hit harder, though.

It's an editing error — or you can choose to see it as one. Awesome waking up should have been the first scene coming back from the commercial break and was just misplaced. He wakes up around 8 AM, does the surgery off-screen around 11, the bug is discovered/Beckman recaps the mission around 2, and the goons come

Of course, for all the bitching in the review, the episode still graded at a B-, which isn't necessarily bad. I definitely feel the frustration for how much BETTER it could have been, given the developments, but a great but of plot executed sloppily can still come out pretty good.

You're right, she does. I suppose they know enough about Ballard's comings and goings to be able to check up at the right times. I wonder if his being at home more now will compromise that? (Not that it would "Realistically," but it's an opportunity for some drama.)

AV Club does not offer comment deletion, and today, that fact makes me sad. At least it's long enough after the show that nobody will come by to read my shame.

Cranston: A subtle reference to Alec Baldwin's portrayal of Lamont Cranston in 1994's "The Shadow," or just a funny name? You be the judge.

I really like the idea of Mellie being an "Inactive." She has her own life again, but with a few subliminal messages left behind and "conveniently" dropped in a place where the Dollhouse could use her. Seeing as Victor needed constant treatments while posing as a Russian, I would imagine another sleeper would need

I thought Chuck was uncomfortable because he was thinking about Cole being tortured to get information about him. That would probably give me a complex. But yeah, probably had something to do with Sarah too.