Dead Whales

The Tooth Fairy was great. Dreamside was OK.

The Tooth Fairy was great. Dreamside was OK.

I'm weighing in late. I loved the tone and feel of The Game. But the only way to appreciate it past a first viewing  is to pretend it's a fairy tale. It's so unbelievable that it surpasses suspension of disbelief. And I think that makes it a failure except as an exercise in style.

There may be other symbolism intended, but it's clearly an NA coin, as mentioned above. How could anyone (and Blake, who is otherwise pretty perceptive) not see that? He plays it with it whenever he's just made a hard choice.

If you have a computer with real file management in addition to you ipads and pods, it matters little. If you already have a mac with time machine it matters less. Fuck the cloud. I'm a Jobs fan, but his and Gates' cloud pushing is bullshit. Why?


Where is everyone?
Her interview on the WTF podcast is great.