Nomar Garciaparra

This is why I tell everyone: use descriptive file names! Jeez.

I really loved the concept of these episodes, especially "Mary Pat Shelby" but was disappointed that there were no lasting repercussions. Natalie built up the consequences, they carried over to the next show. . . and that was it. I thought it would be a season-long thing. I guess that's just how TV has changed:

I really loved the concept of these episodes, especially "Mary Pat Shelby" but was disappointed that there were no lasting repercussions. Natalie built up the consequences, they carried over to the next show. . . and that was it. I thought it would be a season-long thing. I guess that's just how TV has changed:

What was the fourth rule?!

I thought that, too. While it makes sense these two would have problems to work through, after so much build-up, I was hoping for at least one episode where they were just happy and normal. I was bummed by this whole storyline.

I recently watched the entire series on Netflix. I hated it (so many missed opportunities) yet I was strangely drawn to it (sooooo '90s). I look forward to the recaps!

I recently watched the entire series on Netflix. I hated it (so many missed opportunities) yet I was strangely drawn to it (sooooo '90s). I look forward to the recaps!

That really bugs me, too. Or in another episode when he subs "stuff" for "shit." I know that's the censors, but it's jarring that he's like "Then I was friends with benefits with your Aunt Robin for a few months, man, we were having sex all the time!" and then "I'm too old for this stuff."

I've seen enough other parodies of it to understand this parody of it.

They have Sokka's girlfriend. . . .

I laughed, loudly, when Edward said "We're the same temperature now." I was the only one in the theater who did.

If she's boring, useless, etc, isn't that the fault of her writers? Pam isn't real and Jenna Fisher doesn't control Pam or write the character. She might offer some insights, but ultimately, she reads whats on the page.

I noticed that too and thought it was odd — there hasn't been that much quoting in other eps.

Oops, sorry! Hmm, yeah, I guess that is weird. Maybe they didn't want the body to travel for fear of spreading more sickness?

I think Violet called him a writer but you're right, I don't think anyone else clarified what "journalism career" actually meant.

I'm sure someone else has explained, but Lavinia said that since they'd shared so much at Downton, she wanted to marry there. She even acknowledged it should be at her parents' house, but felt Downton was a better choice.

The person he was claiming to be died in the first episode — that's what kicks off the series, the news the Titanic has sunk and Cousin Patrick with it. The audience never met him, not even in flashback.

Ooohhh. Jesus, I couldn't even tell what the difference was.

I don't think the show has been all over the map in regards to female sexuality.

I definitely feel very conflicted about all that. I was with Mrs. Patmore — just say nice things to the boy, give him hope! But it wasn't fair to Daisy to force her into this relationship and remove her consent from it all. She luckily, I guess, is a widow now and can do as she will, but the whole thing leaves me