Nomar Garciaparra

"Don't you worry about the Avatar. Let me worry about blank."

La Pipe, thanks for sharing. It's really cool to know what the *actual* target audience for this show thinks.

I watched the first 6 or so episodes about 2 months ago. I thought it was a fine show, but….for kids, not for me. Taking the advice of the people here in the AV Club Comments section, I forced myself to watch the eps up through 12. I was hooked, and I just finished Season 1 in about two days.

It's definitely a fine line between expanding a show and making a show too broad.

Being an internet denizen, I assume everyone cares about my opinion, my experiences, my life.

Realistic Depiction of Family…
Here's the thing. I know the show is over the top. The characters aren't meant to be particularly likeable (which the show acknowledges). Yet I find the family relationships fairly realistic.

Release the robotic Richard Simmons!

The pilot hooked me from the get-go. I do regret not watching it sooner — like someone above said, I was the target audience, but between work and school, I missed it.

Appa freaks me out a bit. Too many legs.

I actually liked First Person Shooter, too.

You win this round, The Flailing Stick.

She was on Doctor Who. Doctor Who is a sci-fi show many people like.

I concur.

I liked his bow tie.

I was also thinking that it would be cool for Pam to be boss. Her taking care of Creed sort of led to that conclusion.

I think I liked Romano best of all the guest stars, which surprises me. Wouldn't want to watch him every week, but I liked his two minutes or whatever. He was rather believable.

I've also really enjoyed McNutt's reviews, and I hope he continues in the fall. And maybe gets to write about some other shows for the AV Club, too. :)

Jim already turned down the position.

I know a lot of people are bored with Pam and Jim, which is fine, but I don't see how adding the overused and cliched trope of "one member contemplates cheating" would fix things. Sure that led to some great Simpsons eps, but it got old there, too.

Troy's plumbing skills fixed it.