Nomar Garciaparra

I was so mad when I turned on the TV and the Blazers were on.

Xena had one about Autolycus and Meg. (The Key to the Kingdom, I think.) It wasn't that good, though.

Modern Warfare was great because it was committed to a single (ish) idea: a balls to the wall parody/satire of action movies. It was fucking crazy but still somewhat grounded in reality.

I'd like to see the Cotillion that the Dean mentioned. There were so many dances and stuff in Season 1. There haven't been enough in Season 2.

I also think it an A+ episode — really fucking funny, a clever take on other TV tropes, yet still part of the overall storyline for this season.

I don't think Dwight raises hogs. Or are they part of the Rawhide Ranch?

Sorry, WTF Just WTF, your post gets an F. It should be:

Though, "That's right, a knitting needle!" is probably the best.

For heaven's sake! Your roach is too tight and your paper is too loose! Give it to me. Pass me some card.

I also agree with Mr. Monster. The first few seasons are quite funny, though it helps if you like British comedy. (I like Brit coms, and I also watched pretty much everything on Comedy Central throughout the 90s).

To be fair, more people have access to network shows than ones on cable.

I wondered too! Cool.

Ha, good point about the irony.

The Sklar Brothers are funny — I thought so when they were on Pop My Culture — but I'm not really interested in sports, so I haven't listened. Is it friendly to casual sports fans?

I love it!

I agree. She was a great side character and it was always a pleasure to see Mrs. Scully/Sheila Larken. (I always perked up when I saw her name in the credits.) She turned up a lot in X-files fanfic, too. She struck a chord.

Cool story, bro.

I also immediately thought of Monica and Chandler. Very similar — the candles, both characters kneeling, originally the woman propose but the man takes over.

I dated a guy who always took the day off from work for his birthday. I thought that was kind of weird. Conversely, my birthday always falls during finals week, so taking the day off wasn't an option until I was 26.

Birthdays themselves are kind of weird, so I appreciate that about this season's eps. I'm in my late twenties, and my last few birthdays have felt bittersweet. Not because I feel old or anything. But each birthday is a time to reflect on the previous year (at least for me), and I often think about friends I've lost