Nomar Garciaparra

I find everyone on Community to be crazy attractive, including Chevy Chase and Yvette Nicole Brown…and Donald Glover and Danny Pudi.

I wondered whatever happened to her! Shame she retired. I miss her voice.

Awhile back, I put in Small Potatoes and stopped it half-way through because I was bored. I remember really liking it when it first aired but now not as much. I much prefer Bad Blood. Bad Blood is a great look at Scully and what The X-Files is like from her POV (love when she gets hungry during the autopsy).

I agree. I really enjoyed the ep and laughed a lot. I wish Roy had had more to do. I didn't realize he was there until the very end. In the deleted scenes, I guess…..

It'd be hard to watch if the entire thing was filmed with a shitty way. Laser Cats or whatever is like 5 minutes long. Threat Level Midnight took up half the show.

I made dinner. Rolled tacos!

@Wax Tom Cruise, but he didn't say that until she left the room.

I be COMMUNITY SUCKS is a secret closet homosexual like Jeff's dad.

Britta and Gillian Jacobs were awesome in this ep. I love Britta so much I can't stand it, and if I met Gillian Jacobs, it would be like Troy and LeVar Burton.

I took the timeline to be a few days after V-day. Maybe a day or two for the gang to realize "Where's Pierce?" and for him to put his plan in motion.

@seffina, I totally agree. Conspiracy Theories is my fave this season, with Mixology a close second. This one had so many great bits but was just brutal to watch.

His hair was great, but I was a bit distracted by it — it seemed too styled for a "serious" episode.

Lonely 8:30
Shoot, it's only 6 PM here and I already read this recap. What will I do while Perfect Couples is on?

Sunglasses! And rasta-fy him about 10%.

I like the theory proposed above that it's not that Britta hasn't had gay friends before, she just hasn't made any while at Greendale. We will have preconcieved notions about college, so one of hers might have been being a part of the GLBT crowd as an ally. I would believe that a small-ish city in Colorado wouldn't

First season of Blackadder definitely not the best….

I remember watching the first couple episodes and liking Troy the least. "Oh great, this dumb jock guy." But Glover just sells every line and bit he does, and Harmon and Co have done a great job expanding Troy beyond that type (as they have with all of the characters).

I also agree that Lloyd Braun is awesome. I hope he will be my friend. :)

I never really liked BNL and I agree with Jeff, people are weirdly defensive of them. That whole scene was great.

I kept wanting to make jokes about the player named Zombo.