Bartleby T Scrivener

Or extremely careless

Or extremely careless

thank you, fellow oldster. please pass me my cane so I can get up from this rocking chair. 
Kids these days.( 45…and counting.)

I think she is a pleasant presence, certainly attractive. I feel she lacks nuance, expression and depth to her acting. And perhaps we can blame the writing (a little) for that, but given all the other thinly drawn characters on the show, McPhee brings nothing to her part that's not there on the page. In fact, as you

I like Raza Jaffrey and would love to see him do more than mope around and be an idiot.

Yes that is what we're supposed to think. Karen is AMAZING because everyone in the show-verse says she is. It's just like on Studio 60 where we were supposed to believe that all the comedy was the most important, funniest, cleverest comedy ever to be seen on television. Because everyone on the show said so.

I am thinking Eileen. Or Derek. Or possibly the guy who plays Lee Strassberg.

I agree with everything you said. Although I may hate Leo slightly more than I hate the Karen is wonderful storyline. But that's just quibbling in the margins.

The plusses:
* Megan Hilty gets a number. She is great. 
* Ellis' machinations mean Ivy sings again. Well done, Ellis!
* Bollywoodish number. I kinda loved it. More Brian D'arcy James singing &dancing is needed in this show. Maybe he and Megan can do a show together.
* Jerry is really really short. Hilarious!

So with you there. That last eating and talking scene made me hungry.

Totally would love to see an exploration of Dawn as a character as a way to look at race. I agree that black people (the negro "problem") has been peripheral as a social issue but always present with little reminders throughout. Race certainly hasn't been explored in depth the way gender and class has been. But it

I'm not feeling that there's been a lot of Jewish stuff in the show. Season 1 had Maggie Siff and the department store, and they pulled their single Jew into the meeting. There's been a few passing remarks here and there but nothing front-and-center.

He was saying the Priestly Blessing, which parents traditionally bestow on their children every Friday night as part of the family Shabbat dinner.

Benign nodules on the thyroid are fairly common and just need to be watched. As cancers go, thyroid cancer is one of the most slow-growing and least dangerous cancers around. So all in all, Betty is fine and needs to chillax.

Just me, but given my in-laws from Brooklyn and lots of Jewish family, I don't think this character is that unrealistic. I KNOW people like that. I don't even think he's that Jewy.

Stereotypes can be positive, negative or even neutral. Acknowledging a "type" exists and playing off doesn't make the writer anti.

I find this whole thing interesting, because my parents are of the Pete-Trudy-Megan-Peggy-Harry age cohort. Born in the late 30s. My mom would have been Megan's age!

That's the prayer called the priestly blessing, which parents typically bless their children with on Friday night with Shabbat dinner.

Even better cause Art said something like, "Yeah, I've MET your daddy."

Totally agree. The judges have no credibility. Everything is on a scale from "pretty pretty pretty good" all the way to standing Os, tears, "you changed my life."