
I really wish the vehicles that 'reignited' the popularity of these songs had been highlighted in a bold typeface, or even presented with the song titles. That way I could have more easily decided which ones I wanted to read.

Umm. I got a degree in English from a liberal arts school and now I'm accepted into a top 25 law school. They taught me how to read, write, and think. Pretty invaluable skills.

Word. One of the only 'fun size' candies that's better than the original.

Well, to each his own. I just couldn't get over our introduction to the character, which was despicable. That pretty much killed any empathy I might have had. The shitty acting also made me wish everyone would die horribly.

I agree with your edits Shih Tzu, I was hoping the boyfriend would get it as well. I was so far ahead of this movie it was fucking embarrassing. And it's not like I'm some film student/narrative genius, it was just that predictable and retarded.

I want my money back
Okay. I read this article and was like, damn, the trailer looked fucking retarded but maybe it was just horribly cut. So then I went to rottentomatoes to discover a 95 percent approval. This film was tedious, boring, and unfunny. I consider myself a worse and stupider person for seeing it.

"If you know you are watching fucked up people get, well, fucked, and that is your fantasy, then so be it."

Yes, that too.

I think what strikes me as dense is several posters desire to abstract Grey's motivations for participating in pornography. To assume that childhood/adolescent trauma, financial culpability, etc. are the determining factors that led to an individual's decision to involve himself/herself in the industry is merely

I don't know why I feel it is necessary to point this out, as it is clearly evident from your posts on this thread, but Vision King, you are shockingly dense.

Okay, well, that's your opinion. I suppose that I feel comfortable enough in my sexuality to realize that any "difference" between what gratifies me and what gratifies someone else is a non-issue. Live and let live. If the fact that she can enjoy having sex and also enjoy people watching her have sex makes you

what's wrong with liking sex?