
Gotta say…Mike has got to be the most physically repulsive guy I've ever seen on TV, and I'm really old.  Greasy, slimy, bulbous-nosey, whiny…I can't recall another instance of someone in the public eye getting UGLIER with continued exposure.  Except maybe LiLo.  Gah.

As long as there's no Mowee…

Gotta love it whenever Snoop dances!

Agreed. OTOH, I'd gladly watch anything that Billy Bell, Alex or Jakob danced from last season. Legacy, even.

Nothing broke Alex Wong. He sustained an injury.

…of a bitch! Twitch!!

Well, thanks for that, Mike. Commenting on anything but Cat's perfection was, I thought, a strict no-no here. I swear, I recited "Liiidees and jints, put yoah hands tewgether faw…" along with her every time but 2 last night. She was so perky in her perfectly Catfull yellow dress, maybe they figured nobody'd notice.

He's such a Rock Star. I hope he has so much work he's too busy to "audition." I love that guy.

I Hope No One's Asked This Yet
Any word on Alex this season? He's practically the only reason I'm watching so early in the competition. I was hoping he'd be back or we'd at least hear something about him. I keep seeing Twitch in the audience(s) and he always makes me think of their dance last season. I don't think

One last thing (and perhaps s0meone has already commented on it?): Why the lack of love for Ade' from the jidges lately? They've all been commenting on the All-Stars pretty regularly, but I haven't heard anything about Ade' for some time now, and I wonder why. He appears to have packed on some significant muscle

Oh, holy god, we praise thy name. It's almost over, a part of any season that I particularly enjoy, not because I want to see who wins. Not even because I love the dancing. No. It's because I can finally stop messing with my remote, muting the fucking thing every time Cat opens her mouth.

"Lars and the Real Beaver?" WtF???

OK. I'm finally getting up the nerve to do this…
I'm probably a lot older than everyone here, and most may not get the reference, but whywhyWHY couldn't we have heard Finn sing, "The Great Imposter," (the Fleetwoods circa 1959) as Rachael was letting her crush on with Jesse? In my dreams, that'd be a Perfect Scene.