
I am constantly amazed at how incredible comedians are at drama. Jimmy and Chuck deliver gut wrenching dialogue. And that line Jimmy says to Kim about Howard, before he knows why she's there: "Your boss is an unwashed asshole…" or words of that ilk. So on point. I love this show!

I vacillate between loving and hating this show. I realize that certain things have to happen for it to fit its own narrative, that is the more outrageous, the more Shamelessish it is. But I am and have always had a hard time believing that Lip could pull such hot tail. I guess I need to remember what I just typed.

I have a strange feeling that Boyd and Ava are setting up Raylan, though not sure how getting shot factors in. We see Boyd screaming in exultation but since there's a cut away could there be a chance that he ditched the money? Or maybe it's as it seems, the threat of jail was too great for Ava and she saw Boyd's true

It's ironic that my favorite Boardwalk character, the Omar-like (from The Wire) Richard gets killed off, after he mistakenly kills the guy who played Omar's daughter. And just like in The Wire, even though I knew it was inevitable, I hoped upon hope he'd somehow survive, not being able to imagine the series

I've been dreading this series coming to an end, and hoping that they wouldn't Dexter the shit out of it. But they've managed to knock each episode out of the park. I wasn't sure the jetpack episode could be topped, then last week's episode did just that. But Episode 28, wow! So many things, but to me the highlights

This had to be the worst ending I've ever seen to what was for the first two seasons a pretty cool show. I am not a fan of Dexter anymore. Megaphone not needed.