shelly the turtle

Also FYI, Dan Harmon has said multiple times that his first encounters with online fandom and fan enthusiasm were shipper videos. And also according to Dan, he paid out $30k of his own money for musical rights in order to do a tribute to shipper videos and shipper fans. Considering the respect and love Dan has already

Except that you cut off the end of that post where the writer acknowledged a 2nd time that it was just an idea that even the author knew wasn't a definite and simply thought that if that was the case it was a nice gesture. But it would be harder to paint the person as "crazy" if you left the whole thing I guess.

Yeah. At the moment Shawn said he was Psychic on the lie detector, I felt like Juliet's expression said that she had decided to put aside any doubts she'd ever had about him being genuinely psychic. That also be the first time Shawn said he loved her, so I don't think it's makes Juliet look stupid at all to have put

Wow. Disagree. I think Roday's episodes have been some of the best. Lassie Jerky was one of the best things I've ever seen on TV. This one wasn't as good as that, but still funnier than every other non-Psych episode of TV I've seen this year.

Monroe doesn't know for certain the obsession is magical. Renard only said "that's possible" after Monroe asked him if it was possible it was some sort of "potiony, dark arts related maleficent".

Monroe doesn't know for certain the obsession is magical. Renard only said "that's possible" after Monroe asked him if it was possible it was some sort of "potiony, dark arts related maleficent".

I don't think Renard ever mentioned the obsession was magically-induced. The audience knows that, but the character Monroe doesn't. It's just his guess. It would be bad writing for Monroe to claim to know exactly what's going on when he doesn't know much.

I don't think Renard ever mentioned the obsession was magically-induced. The audience knows that, but the character Monroe doesn't. It's just his guess. It would be bad writing for Monroe to claim to know exactly what's going on when he doesn't know much.

"Tulloch graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University with a double major in English and American Literature and Visual and Environmental Studies."

"Tulloch graduated magna cum laude from Harvard University with a double major in English and American Literature and Visual and Environmental Studies."

How did so many people miss Monroe telling Nick that he thought Juliette kissing the guy was a result of Adalind's spell?

How did so many people miss Monroe telling Nick that he thought Juliette kissing the guy was a result of Adalind's spell?

Using silly names in every episode doesn't bother you, but when they put one in a title, you draw the line? How very fickle.

Using silly names in every episode doesn't bother you, but when they put one in a title, you draw the line? How very fickle.

Monroe did mention he thought it was due to Adalind's spell as Nick was on his way out the door. Nick didn't seem too interested in hearing that part.

Monroe did mention he thought it was due to Adalind's spell as Nick was on his way out the door. Nick didn't seem too interested in hearing that part.

With Monroe's strong sense of smell, I thought it was odd he didn't recognize the captain either by sight or smell since Monroe has been to the station. A line about the guy seeming familiar to Monroe but he was unable to place him would have been enough.

With Monroe's strong sense of smell, I thought it was odd he didn't recognize the captain either by sight or smell since Monroe has been to the station. A line about the guy seeming familiar to Monroe but he was unable to place him would have been enough.

"Could some or all this be abandoned or delayed when the show returns, in favor of more cases of the week populated with more increasingly outlandish Wesen? It’s possible, but I hope Greenwalt and company are smart enough not to do that."

"Could some or all this be abandoned or delayed when the show returns, in favor of more cases of the week populated with more increasingly outlandish Wesen? It’s possible, but I hope Greenwalt and company are smart enough not to do that."