soiled onesie

First Paragraph
…lacking in the urgency that made the best episodes so distinctive, and things aren't by helped clunky, unconvincing plot-lines …

If having functioning organs is what ails ya, then yeah, it works like a charm.

it's magic now!

Oh yes
Can they play with magic? Yes! Movie Magic!

I pledge to wipe.

Ann's got a great deal of mass.

After commenting above, I googled Sunkist to see if they still even made that shit.
They do and their marketing tag says:
Sunkist soda has always been about radiating good vibes. Whether you're hitting the beach for some sun or waves, dominating the city, hanging in the quad…

When I was a child I drank too much Sunkist in a 7-11 and threw up all over the floor of that very same 7-11.

Mayoneggs for everyone!

I'm down with P.

Those aren't buoys.

People who suck musicals can hate it.

More sloppy shit.
What is this? Amateur hour at flopsy mcshittyhorn's junior college for idiots?

When will Mario just let it go with Princess Peach? That bitch seems like too much of a handful.

Dude, get a fucking wireless plan already. I used to read web pages offline while I commuted too. IN 1999!!!!!!

It's like Canada's 9/11.

what gets you through the other days.

I haven't seen this. . .
. . .nor will I need to if someone would be so kind as to tell me to whom Will Smith donates his testicles.

You should get Dr. Awesome. He's a good man; and thorough.

The secret allowed me to impregnate Danica Patrick while getting drunk in the Sahara Desert on a dune buggy.