Old joke, but funny/sad because it's true: "What are a typical redneck's last words? 'Hey, watch this!'"
Old joke, but funny/sad because it's true: "What are a typical redneck's last words? 'Hey, watch this!'"
Great article. I've been widdling down my vinyl purchases for the exact same reason: it's just too goddamned expensive. If I go into a record store with a hundred bucks, I should be able to walk out with more than 3 or 4 new releases. Unfortunately, the $25 and $30 price point is becoming the norm. I do sort of…
I know exactly what you're saying, and that's why it's a nitpick and not something that keeps me up late at night. I also think I'm just pissed it disappeared for so long; and I don't want to see this new crop pegged as novelty acts. Anyway, pretty stoked for that Iron Reagan release.
Nitpick and I know it's not really anyone's fault, but I hate the tag "thrash revival." Why can't bands just play thrash? Tacking on the "revival" makes it seem more like a costume and novelty act. "Tonight: Municipal Waste, Cherry Poppin Daddies, and Sha Na Na!"