
She mentioned medicine too but we'll see where that leads

The doctor is really nice. The first two appointments were kinda like dates where you get to know each other but what I've read that seems normal. It's going to take a awhile before I don't have anxiety attacks not drinking but hopefully soon

And my mom will never walk straight again!

You drowned all those puppies, you bastard!

I may just do that, if you're serious

Eat shit

This is probably over sharing with a stranger I think I know from reading years of comments, but I just wanted to tell you that these updates played a not insignificant part of my decision to finally seek therapy for my drinking. I have my 3rd apptime next week.

I like to imagine I'm don but I'm probably kinsey or pryce.

I'm rewatching mad men and am on s3. Conrad hilton is an ass and the teacher is insanely beautiful.

Holy shit you are an old bastard! (hides birth certificate from 77). The thing I was most excited for was…….Phantom Menace! So, the special editions were kinda weird, what with that goofy Jabba song, but lucas can't possibly screw up a whole new movie, can he? ……can he?

You too !

I'm pretty sure when pornhub puts out their search hit stats, bbc is in the lead in the bible belt

I don't think I'm much older than you but that one stumps me

Mostly agree but I think the songs have been fantastic. My boy sings ,every country, all the time

Fuck this scumbag, obviously, but I don't really buy the whole 'comey changed the election' thing. In my part of the country- central pa -it's full of rednecks who were always hard r and probably never even heard this news.

My son loves these books

Eat shit

As always, eat shit

Eat shit

Fuck everything