Pretty sure dumbledore could solve medicare - sell dragon hunting licenses!
Pretty sure dumbledore could solve medicare - sell dragon hunting licenses!
Why don't the losers do better? Just ask for 1mil from your dad! You'll have to use the back entrance though
This is Kenny powers' worst hairstyle yet
Did you know that people with petroleum engineering degrees will gladly work for the federal govt. From my experience, government office always have the best compensation plans, Exxon can't even come close
So, rotting head cheese, please tell me more about your plan for a perputally moving train?
Christ - why is Boeing giving all the cutting edge tech to Russia, who is clearly the highest bidder
'Hillary this is an open discussion, please shut up so the bloated bullfrog can shit out of his mouth'.
Six deferrements. This brave tough motherfucker bought six - achey foot. Would gladly sacrifice your children though
I can't believe that Isis is leaving Mosul because they are scared of the impending angry orange!
Holy shit why did they let Hillary be the lone general in charge of the military!?
I am full of troegs and rage! Join me!
'Guys I know deadwood is pretty good but the apprentice should have gotten an emmy'
Don't even the most basic FM DJ have a dump button? Just hit it every time you're ready for him to stop. Is it that fucking difficult
I can't believe that that bleeding heart lizard motherfucker governor in fl is going to throw away all the trump votes.
'Clinton, people sometimes donated to your foundation hoping for access they didn't get'
Whenever I see an adult male who uses a tanning booth, I think 'There is a confident strong person capable of good decisions'. This includes Ross, the largest friend
Play the fucking video when he denies statements: 'we'll take a short pause to document your fucking lies'
Did you know that the best way to get famous is to fake assault reports? /s
Just say pussy Chris
NAFTA was pretty fucking bipartisan - typical asshole lies that it was all bill c