
Yeah, based on what we learn about them later, it's a good line.

It's very much the whole "wearing the 90s on its sleeve" thing. Some parts are just silly — no, slapping the word Cyber around on random businesses will not make them important and/or profitable, no, "virtual reality" is not an existential threat — but the AIDS stuff is just killer. Specifically, how 90% of the cast

Star Wars: Masters of Teras Kasi.

You had two G entries and neither of them were Groundhog Day? Go sit in the Shame Corner and think about what you've done, AV Club.

What struck me the most watching the video is that you don't seem to have any idea what each gun is for and you're choosing at random. Look at the start of each video — Ryan is using the rifle (accurate, good at long range) and playing to its strengths by lining up his shots and sniping enemies before they get to him.

The commentary track for Jurassic Bark actually mentions Leela and Amy's outfits — they're merciful fanservice. They put the girls in skimpy outfits and had them catfight as a way of sort of making it up to the viewers in advance for what they were gonna do at the ending.

I'm all for reviews of fun wrestling shows, but please keep reviewing Raw too.

Man I have been trying to find a video of that "Goodnight Saigon" bit online forever.



Mirror Kira is my favorite Mirror character by a wide margin and one of my all-time favorites. She'd fuck a doorknob if she thought she could psychologically manipulate somebody by doing it.

Mirror Kira is my favorite Mirror character by a wide margin and one of my all-time favorites. She'd fuck a doorknob if she thought she could psychologically manipulate somebody by doing it.