vegan jesus

The thing s Tom Waits really shouldn't be out of her comfort zone. She likes Ween so he shouldn't be too weird for her, and she and I both enjoyed hearing Dylan a couple of years ago so she should be okay with the bluesy voice. She just doesn't think he's talented which to me is unbelievable enough but combined with

I'm taking this reference to oversharing as an invitation to ask a question of the AVClub commenters, mostly because I can't readily see how to start a new post. Question: I think Nick Cave is hidiously overated and my wife thinks Tom Waits is, do we have a future?

It's wrong to give credence to poor arguments compassionate or not.

I just really, really don't want to have to work for a living. I pretty much earn enough to afford to do anything I want now, but I'd have a lot more time to do that stuff if I didn't have to turn up at an office forty hours a week.

Australia is actually very multicultural but anyone who regards the relationships between the indigenous Australians and the rest of the population as 'relaxed' needs to do some more research.