Rogers Aching Ticker

This is exactly what was wrong with the response to that letter. With all due respect to a "legendary advertising executive" PLEASE's boyfriend isn't sexually selfish, he's not in a "closed loop" with no idea of what sexual gratification is. He's doing things that are painful (and that anyone with common sense should

"Are you sure you want John Landis to direct your next movie, Tom?"

This entire movie looks like someone saw Suicide Squad and thought Cara Delevingne's Enchantress deserved her own movie. The answer is just no.

Oh, I'm sorry, I mistook you for a non-troll and non-idiot. My bad.

"Logan just got so much praise that "I feel" didn't deserve more than the others before it."

Seriously, Will Smith and Harley Quinn each had a couple of character intros to spare. They could've done him a solid and loaned him one. I hear the problem was that they couldn't figure out a bitchin' music cue for Slipknot's backstory.

The real villains in Logan were old age and loneliness…

"Hugh Jackman was leaving that's why people praised his final one."

Well, I guess that's your admission that you lack the perspective to discuss the MCU rationally or intelligently.

Counterpoint: the comic book sucked, and the MCU guys were smart not to follow its lead.

What, did I stumble into Wikipedia here?

At this point, pretty much every billionaire in the 212 area code counts as a member of Trump's secret cabinet. Trump's a lonely guy.

El Diablo: the example we should all aspire to. I really liked how when he represented his dead wife as a flame-woman, she seemed to be pole dancing. Class all around.

Are you saying…the Captain's collar doesn't match his cuffs?

The DC Cinematic Universe voted for Trump, to a grimdark, murdering, color desaturated man. I mean, it's not like anyone involved with the MCU is super-psyched to do Ayn Rand adaptations.

He turned into a puma.

That, plus Kirk and Spock spent 80% of the run time of the two JJ Abrams movies stuck somewhere between hating each other and barely tolerating each other. You can establish a bond between characters in a relatively short period of screen time, but you actually have to show us the characters becoming friends, caring

His "six minutes" complaint doesn't just apply to the Avengers, it also applies to X-Men, which makes his statement a little ironic. Because in those "six minutes" of character development per X-Men movie, Jackman and Stewart built a relationship that he was able to leverage into Logan. So there must be more going on

Interesting that Mangold wasn't exactly singing that tune when he made the much more conventional superhero film, The Wolverine. Still, kudos to him for turning his superhero animosity into an actual good piece of art, rather than just whining about how Hollywood just isn't interested in cinema anymore (also, credit

It's a lot like the Wrath of Khan in that it leverages the audience's relationship to Jackman and Stewart as Xavier and Logan over the past 17 years. You wouldn't have the emotional connection to those characters to get the audience through the harrowing subject matter if it wasn't for those two actors starring