Rogers Aching Ticker

A couple of points:

…and two years later the Italian Job remake was hitting all those same notes. But still, I doubt that Gone in 60 Seconds had a huge part in getting F&F made, because Gone in 60 Seconds is one of the most generic, forgettable movies I've ever seen.

One more thought about the response to CLIF's letter; Dr. Gunter wrote, "Failure to orgasm with penile penetration is not a medical condition.” Now, I get why she'd write that—she probably doesn't want her waiting room crowded with guys asking her if she can "fix" their significant others. Seriously, it's important

It's possible, but if CLIF's wife has been faking this on the regular for the whole length of their relationship—and now they're married and have a child, probably at least in part because of that deception—then CLIF's wife is a damned monster. Heck, in that case she's now gaslighting him by falsely claiming a

To be found in the "From Her to Him (Romantic)" and/or the "From Him to Him (Romantic)" sections:

To be found in the "From Him to Her (Romantic)" section:

Alas, the question could not be answered with "hire a sex worker," and his spelling fail gave Dan the opening to utilize his Presumption of Heterosexual Incompetence.

If my laptop's ruined because I just puked on the keyboard, I don't know whether to sue you, or former governor Huckabee for having such an unappealing daughter.

I think there's room for both hate crimes and terrorism charges as separate things. The definition of terrorism is that the crime committed is not just targeted to harm the victim, but to intimidate or coerce other people in order to advance a social or political goal. Some bias crimes meet this definition, but many

You didn't want those Skechers after he was done with them.

What's worse: even if you're a person of color in America, those European stories and myths are probably more ingrained in your mind than any of the myths from your culture of origin. It's possible that a genuine vision based on African or Native American folklore would be rejected by the target audience for not being

The question isn't whether he can declassify stuff, it's whether he did it before blabbing to the Russians. I don't think it's the sort of thing you can (or should) just do on the fly.

Also, with all those chins and jowls, Trump couldn't rock a tactleneck to save his life!

It'd be more awesome if she was Emma Frost (and then the blonde hair would make sense, too).

This time, the showrunner doesn't have to demonstrate the fact that he's never read a comic book by making every stupid rookie story mistake in the comic book business.

First boyfriend: sold his soul. For a truck.

He eats Green Berets for breakfast! And right now, he's very hungry!

I think Moss is a good example of an artist letting her work speak for itself. Lots of celebrities slap #feminism on their social media postings, while their work doesn't much reflect those values (or, often enough, any values at all). It could be that Moss is a monster in her personal life, and the roles she's chosen

On the plus side: now I can imagine DeVos with a crown of small horns. On the negative side, associating her with Maul might ruin Duel of the Fates for me (something even Episode II failed to do).

Personally, my kids wouldn't mind if those Tim Allen movies didn't exist.