So that's what those young ladies were trying to do in Moscow? What, you don't have soapy water in Russia?
So that's what those young ladies were trying to do in Moscow? What, you don't have soapy water in Russia?
The most level-headed person in the room is nicknamed "Mad Dog."
Et tu, Reince Priebus? (Or should that be, Priebe?)
To be fair (and really, there's no reason to be fair to this shitheel) his "vacation" was a fundraiser to keep congressional Republicans from bailing on him. But yeah, like everything else, his "low stamina" insult was a bit of self-description. Anyone who saw him debate Hilary should've been able to see that: the man…
It's why he's turned to extreme lax'ing! Otherwise, it threatens to compromise his airway!
A bit more of a crime when you make Amy Adams boring than when it's walking snorefest Kate Bosworth.
You can reduce her to hostage and then bathtub sex toy.
It seems really unfair to call Reince Priebus "Mr. Pink." That sounds like you're calling him Mr. Pussy…hat.
Now I'm envisioning O'Reilly wearing a sombrero during this standoff. Good work, sir!
"Here I am, America: your friendly neighborhood Putin-Pop!"
"Get it? It is a joke taking off on the humor of your beloved comedian, Bill Cosby! I am friendly, like him!"
That's kinda like making a XXX Porn Parody of Debbie Does Dallas.
You're 50% right! Then again, I don't think anyone found "No crying in baseball!" funny. It mostly became a thing because the studio advertised the hell out of that movie, and every single promo featured that line. It was pretty much the only moment in the movie where Hanks wasn't acting the part of the sad-sack…
That's an ironic Trump "best."
He didn't want to actually draw any alt-righters until he had the box, stick, and string set up.
"Will they discuss things in committee? I wonder if their taxation was income or VAT-based? I sure hope we get to see some trade disputes!"
That generally isn't how the term is used, nor how Brazilians themselves identify. But if this geographical distinction is what the author was going for, there's another perfectly good, English non-gendered term one can use that includes Brazilians (and French Guianese, I think)—Latin Americans. Using that term…
So Martha Coolidge is going to be the new director of The Batman? Bold choice…
I was going to make a joke about Miles Teller wanting to do a Looper performance, with Chris Penn getting prosthetics to look more like Teller, but then I remembered that Chris Penn is dead.
As someone supposedly described by the term, it chafes a bit to have white Anglophones using Latinx (and they represent 99% of the instances where I've seen it used). Want to use a gender-neutral term for people from Latin American countries? There's a perfectly good one in English—Hispanic.
To my knowledge, Jordan hasn't acted like he's the second coming of Marlon Brando. Also, he's done some good films in addition to his Miles Teller films. Plus, he has a lifetime pass for being on The Wire. Whiplash was good, but was it lifetime pass good?