Well, the characters are literally children at that point, so it's only fair. Columbus's direction, particularly of the first movie, is pretty dreadful—it's Reaction Shot: The Movie.
Well, the characters are literally children at that point, so it's only fair. Columbus's direction, particularly of the first movie, is pretty dreadful—it's Reaction Shot: The Movie.
I think the thing that sets Harry Potter apart from most of the YA universes is that the Potter series has that gimmick of each novel being a year of school, so there's a real sweep in the story from the characters really being children at the beginning to being adults at the end. It seems to me like most YA novels…
I hope that we're at the end of Barry resetting the timeline, but I doubt that we'll see the end of time travel on this show. I mean, Reverse Flash is still out there, and time travel is inherent to his thing. Legends of Tomorrow is still a going concern, so it's not like the Berlantiverse as a whole can back away…
I think we can explain some of that away because her powers seem to be affecting her personality, and because she knows about the Earth-2 Killer Frost. At this point, it's hard to find justification for hiding powers from the STAR labs team, but if you thought the powers were making you crazy/evil? Maybe that's a…
Wait. Did he just give her the sweetest taboo?
Like most Cosby newswire items, I doubt it'll help to point out that this is just very standard legal posturing, not Cosby claiming anything. If Cosby admits his career is over (as much because he's 80 years old as because he's now infamous) then there is no harm in the plaintiffs rummaging through his business…
…and horrifyingly, that last statement is the part that's actually true.
She makes me want to buy rubbers!
Byrne taking over Star Brand and writing himself into comic to rag on Shooter's writing was a perfect show of the seething resentment everyone had for Shooter. Still, New Universe was way better than Secret Wars II.
Hardly a 90s-specific flaw, that. But yeah, at the time Lee tended to depict women fighting as a series of butt-flaunting modern dance moves.
Is that moment where Cap's ribcage is at a 45 degree angle to his shoulders on the cover, or inside the book?
"It's very difficult for a woman with a cathode ray TV for a head to be a 10."
There seems to be a generation for whom fridging simply means "Killing/depowering/doing something bad to a female character, for any reason."
Deathmate—while a revolting name—has nowhere near as bad a cover as X-Force #1. Deathmate has two characters engaged in action, and a collage of faces imitating a movie poster style. Not a great cover, but pretty typical of comic book covers in general. Average.
Did Hembeck actually treat us to one or more pages, composed mainly of text boxes, or did he just have Strange trail off with an ellipse in one panel, then the next panel showed everyone asleep?
I upvoted you because I like Watchmen as well, but I think you're missing the criticism. The point of the story is that middle-aged Dan and Laurie are schlubby. Snyder gets that enough to put the guy playing Dan in a fat suit—but misses the point enough (or maybe was unable to get the studio to buy in enough) to let…
The Silk Spectre costumes were supposed to be male-gazey. That's extremely true to the source. One of the genius things that Gibbons does in the comics is that his art for both Silk Spectres sometimes goes from pinup-leering to more realistic and unglamorous in the space of just a few panels. You simultaneously get…
To be fair, Moore's going postal on Watchmen probably had nothing to do with the movie itself. IIRC, he trashed the movie without even having seen it (unlike, say, V for Vendetta, where the Wachowskis had tried hard to court him and he wound up delivering a withering critique of the script and the film).
I actually like the Dr. Manhattan-as-means-of-destruction twist, but for the rest, you're dead on. As soon as the movie had Dan and Laurie doing slo-mo/speed ramp fighting where they kick people clear across the room as if they were characters in 300, I knew that Snyder lost the thread. With the exception of those…
Two things: 1) If Dr. Strange is full of pop culture references that will soon be dated, it's the first Marvel movie to do so. The Marvel films have avoided being too tied to anything in the present day—for example, when Cap pulled out the list of things people recommended him to catch up on in Winter Soldier, the…