Rogers Aching Ticker

…and yet, all these judges who were vetted up the wazoo when they were confirmed for circuit courts of appeals appointments, get re-vetted when they're nominated to the Supreme Court, often with major skeletons coming out of the closet on second review (think Clarence Thomas and Robert Bork).

"You were never elected by the people of the United States, or Earth, or even ratified by the Imperial Senate, but you're ordering the construction of another Death Star?"
"Dammit, I'm all you've got!"

Rumor is that if you're enough of a slut, you get skip your period completely.

My favorite part of the McSweeney's article is how, beyond the lyrics of Yub Nub, they imitate the lazy-ass Lucas alien language tradition where all alien phrases are just in weakly jumbled double talk English (as in "Divi slatu, or 'divine slaughter'").

All the real dumbass Trump tweets—the ones he makes himself—are made on an Android phone.

Pretty much have to, since you can no longer drown it…


Things I now want to hear Lithgow say, in his Buckaroo Banzai voice:

You're Batman-ing it wrong!

That might be the most entertaining thing he's done since JFK…

No, he didn't. There's a third "created by" credit on Lost for Jeffrey Lieber, who wrote a first draft treatment for Lost, and was then replaced by Abrams and Lindelof. I'm pretty sure that Lieber didn't sue for his credit—if anything, he might've had a writer's guild arbitration for that credit, not a suit.

This isn't a copyright claim. The idea behind this suit is that when Barris and Barber worked on the other show, they formed a partnership or joint venture. So the traits of the show they worked on are then business ideas, and under business law, there's a general principle that if two people are business partners,

If the ideas and characters are close enough, Barris's Black-ish script could be considered a derivative work of the unproduced script he and Barber made for VH1 in 2006. However, if you look at the actual complaint, Barber's going after Barris mainly on partnership law and contract claims, not copyright. A lot of

"I see. "Trans person who killed someone" seems to be a big part of your thinking."

You're right, in the sense that at that before Jenner transitioned, that probably would've been the top line in his obit, with the car accident a footnote far down the page. But in terms of current relevance as a celebrity, if not for her transition, Jenner's recent accomplishments were "was the ex-stepfather of a

She was paid for the show, and likely many of the exclusive interviews beforehand. While the show wasn't a huge success, it made it to air and had more than one season, and I'd wager that the money (if any) it lost for its network wasn't borne by Jenner herself. And for all that Jenner looked bad on her show to a

Yep. It was a product roll-out, right down to the veil dance of Jenner revealing and withholding crumbs of information so as to create the maximum number of exclusive "news" items. My favorite (and I recall this to be true, although it's so crazy-sounding that I feel like it was made up) was one outlet getting the

…and the irony is, he professes hate and disgust for anyone who thinks dick is tasty!

Yeah, Caitlyn Jenner's transition was—as any instance of someone coming out as trans is—brave, but it was also a narcissist's wet dream, and a for-profit venture. Jenner enthusiastically traded in her privacy for money and public praise—things most people transitioning lose, rather than gain.

It's hard for Coulter to fulfill her purpose in society—that of turd in the punchbowl—without constantly branching out to try to find newer and fresher punchbowls.