Rogers Aching Ticker

"The rules for the humans are do not disturb or hold up the Pokemon.
Stand still and let him go on his way. And here, he's heading off into
the interior of the vast continent. With 5,000 kilometers ahead of him,
he's heading towards certain death."

Maybe it's a Jack Reacher callback?

Worse than The Last Dragon and Berry Gordy's The Last Dragon, but somehow better than M. Night Shyamalan's Last Airbender.

Unless a Bond villain's dumping you into a tank of piranhas, getting devoured by animals *is* a natural cause.

Now I'm imagining him on the edge of a bathtub for hours on end, dunking the fake baby and screaming "Why won't you just die, already?"

The biggest trick Grover Norquist ever pulled was convincing the world he exists.

This is a pretty picture to put on it. If there is to be any lasting value to what Sanders did, he should've remained a Democrat to continue a reform process in the party. All that going back as an independent does is suggest that he's afraid of a primary challenge next time he's up for election. Without

Wait for it…

Nothing redeems the prequels. Heck, TCW really damns the prequels, because it gives the impression that the movies elided over better material than they showed. Anakin actually being a tragic hero, rather than just being a creepy egotist flashing like the Dark Side warning light on your car's dashboard. The war

It's not that the idea is stupid. It's that Seventh Sister and Whatevereth-Brother had been chasing the team all season, and encountered a number of situations where being able to use your saber as a helicopter/glider would've come incredibly handy, and they only just figured out how to do it in the finale. I suspect

Actually, the etymology goes the other way—nubere (the original Latin) is a female-only verb, and nubile means "marriageable" in the sense of "capable of bearing children."

I've seen a lot of intelligent people fumble issues like MMA and steroids, and I think it's excusable—these are topics which because they're related to sports are suffused with emotion. Still, the world of politics is an odd mix of a few brilliant people and a whole lot who aren't even close to average intelligence.

Also: he thinks the word "nubile" applies to men, as well as women. (I'm sure that was an attempt to make him sound gender neutral rather than amazingly pervy in that second paragraph.)

You know what's worse? He masturbated to it anyway.

Sad counterpoint (and TRIGGER WARNING): I remember a professor in college claiming that the prevalence of women believing in ghosts and the supernatural was tied to high rates of sexual abuse and incest. He said that many of the initial experiences that women reported of seeing ghosts were "I woke up and there was a

It's too late for patience. If they'd got on this a season or two earlier, we'd have time for them to get comfortable with the idea of The Americans as a great drama—dipping in a toe with a nomination or two, not really taking it seriously—while they honor Homeland, GoT, and Breaking Bad. But since it's so late in the

You can tell by the dead eyes under the mask. It had to be either her or Chloe Sevigny.

…and about friggin' time!

OK, I can see that. I think I may have been so spooked by friends who gave me dark warnings about Lanthimos's Dogtooth that I was expecting the story to get graphic and disturbing from the get-go. I think I even gave my wife the rare warning before the movie that if things got too intense she should signal me so that

It was graphic, but it wasn't pointlessly so. (SPOILERS) The way the scene is set up, the Heartless Woman tells David what she's done, and he keeps his head. Then he goes to the bathroom, and seeing the horror of that scene breaks David, so it's understandable that we see that horror as well, see that this wasn't just