Rogers Aching Ticker

Creating a special federal civil immunity statute for a particular industry is the definition of "special treatment." If congress was aiming at cracking down on "rogue" theories of civil liability, the statute would've defined limits for product liability generally, not just for gun manufacturers (and sellers, and

If Ford sold special F-150s with a front battering ram attachment, and marketed them to civilians who are angry with their neighbors, or seeking to bust their relatives out of jail, that suit might not get dismissed so quickly. It's not inconceivable that people who create an inherently dangerous product, one lacking

Or the assailant gets an owie when his intended victims tackle him and wrestle him to the ground. (This, despite the NRA's "…good guy with a gun!" slogan, is how an awful lot of mass shootings end: victims jump the guy when his gun jams or he has to reload.)

"Ladies and gentlemen of the jury. The defendant would like you to think that there's no monetary way to compensate my client for all the people he didn't get to kill, on account of the gun that jammed due to the defendant's gross negligence in its manufacture…"

Many of those angry fundie minivan-drivers will perform quite naturally services one would hesitate to request from a professional…

It's racist enough that in the Disney animated Tarzan from 1999(?), they basically eliminated any natives from the film in order to dodge the racial politics of it. So Tarzan lived in an Africa that was populated only by animals and colonizers, no black Africans.

A E1. 3 million Maltese passport should really have a falcon on the front cover.

Recent Spielberg is conspicuously absent from streaming services like Netflix, and his movies take forever to show up on basic cable. He just isn't in the places I watch movies right now (although I did see, and like, Bridge of Spies in the theater last Fall).

Stage left is where the minorities and foreigners tend to hang out, so that's not likely.

And then the aliens learned that the most important resource of all was…happiness!

They signed Snyder on for three more movies after Man of Steel. Firing him would not only put them seriously behind schedule on Justice League, it would be an admission of how idiotic the idea of building their universe around him was. As lousy as Bats v Supes was, it was tonally in line with what he did in Man of

What? You out of Spider Bags (2002)?

"The main thing we learned [on the maiden voyage of the Titanic] is that people don't like water," said White Star Line representative Deborah Snyder.

I have to think that turning Justice League into a standalone film rather than a two-parter is a face-saving move. They probably felt they couldn't just fire Snyder after announcing that they were building the DC Cinematic Universe around him (plus, the schedule was tight to replace him after Bats v Supes disappointed

Those grapes Roland Emmerich can't reach? They must be sour.

I'm irrationally fond of this film, but I'd still point out that The Saint's $60 million domestic box office was against a budget of $68 million, according to IMDB. It never held the top box office spot. There was never serious talk of a sequel (even though this was clearly intended to launch a franchise). So, I'd say

There are proverbs about it?

What the everloving Hell is with 2016? Also, "renal kidney failure" seems redundant, since renal means "of the kidneys."

No, it was about ethics in game journalism.

Star Trek: Adjournment could easily have been the name of a TNG movie. Had that crew continued to make films after Nemesis, it definitely would've been Star Trek: Recusal, followed by Star Trek: Collateral Estoppel, with the whole thing coming to a rousing conclusion with Star Trek: Adjournment in Contemplation of