Rogers Aching Ticker

Neck-intact vagrant would say "Hey, my pal and I were panhandling, and this little blonde woman freaks out, kicks my ass, and stabs my buddy in the neck." And while he may not go to the police voluntarily, if he and neck-stabbed vagrant are known to hang out together, the police would probably question him, and

This is actually the opposite of a deus ex machina situation.

It was an interesting choice for Elizabeth as she saw the other guy run away. She couldn't chase him down and take him out without losing Paige, but you could tell she knew letting him go was an immense liability.

Based on what? It's telling that Tatiana only asked Oleg for his English-speaking older female computer expert after Elizabeth failed to turn up anything in her search of Don and Young Hee's house. That sounds to me like this particular plan was only hatched after they were sure there wasn't other leverage to be used

Yeah, the emotional end result of the Soviets' scam was perfect, leaving Don gutted while also not straining credulity as to his actions. He doesn't directly give up the McGuffin codes, he's simply used for access to his office and computer.

The vagrant who didn't get stabbed in the neck has a date with the composite sketch of Liz from the beatdown she gave Gaad and Aderholt. The fact that it's a homeless person just means that there isn't going to be a public manhunt for the perpetrator (which is just realistic, not lazy), just a ticking time bomb that

The scenes with Gregory rang true, but they were daytime scenes, IIRC. I'm not familiar with DC, but in the 80s there were lots of projects in NYC where you'd think the place was under curfew after dark. Even when there were people out (usually dealers and their customers) there were always dead spots in the larger

Yeah, I don't see this as a plot thread that'll be left dangling forever. The DC cops probably won't try too hard to solve the death of a homeless guy, but given that they were killed within a quick walk of a soup kitchen, it's pretty likely Pastor Tim (and maybe Paige) will be questioned. Plus, I'm sure Agent

Paige should definitely say that, but that's virtually guaranteed to be a phrase that will not escape her lips. The look in her eyes in that scene wasn't "Mom saved us from being raped!" it was "Mom just murdered a vagrant!"

I don't have a problem with the idea that trying to save her sister would kill her father, and that's why they couldn't do it. After all, you need some way to make death permanent in a sci-fi world full of resurrections and time travel. However, I do have a problem with the show relying on gobs of Rip Hunter Time

Well, to be fair, he coulda put that together real fast…

I wouldn't say "consistently excellent" but you're right that her performance as Killer Frost and then Caitlin pretending to be Killer Frost gives lie to the idea she's a bad actress. She just needs someone on the writing staff to become her character's rabbi.

Totally agreed about people trying to profit off your IP, and usually the timing on this—a relatively big budget fan made film at a time when Paramount is about to put out a movie and launch a new TV series—would be the right timing to clear the field so there is no brand confusion ahead of the next official franchise

Paramount was legally in the right. And I don't get the repeated claim that the fan film's creators asking Paramount to identify the copyrightable elements of Star Trek was some sort of imaginative legal masterstroke. It's fairly basic motion practice, as was the point-by-point response.

I keep wondering what the show's intent was with that moment. Did they think it was a big badass applause moment, because we all care so much about Rip, and would enjoy watching him strike a pose? Or was it "In your face, people who were hoping Rip would die! Darvill's got a multi-season contract!"

Yeah, it looked like the entire season was a setup for Rip dying and the rest of the crew having picked up the skills in their travels to take his place. I mean, if Sarah can pilot and navigate the ship, Jax can be the engineer, Martin can be science officer, and Mick understands both time travel and kicking ass, WTF

Y'know, it didn't bother me because, as Oliver pointed out, once you're at "I'm resetting the timeline by blowing up meteors with someone's blood" it's not like we're talking about anything rationally. That solution isn't nearly half as stupid as the problem.

Maybe it's Stockholm syndrome setting in, but I've gotten used to this thing where Iris keeps making the same romantic choices that a porn character would make. (Dad's cop partner? Yeah! Immediate supervisor at work? Why not? Adoptive brother? Sure—I mean, people keep telling me it's meant to be!) It's graduated from

The Hawk's wings used to bug me. But now I'm more troubled by the fact that Heatwave and Captain Cold's guns no longer seem to shoot out flames and, em, cold, but are rather orange and blue-colored concussive blasts. I mean, I know making CGI ice whenever Snart shoots his gun is expensive, but it's also the

Mumble mumble Thanagarian sky-rocks? Also, without a skilled barista on board, how can anyone expect a decent cup of coffee?