You're making this sound so much more appealing than it really would be.
You're making this sound so much more appealing than it really would be.
You want to cast Mariano Rivera as Morpheus?
Good point, although, to be fair, Mick probably disregarded the whole thing about not using the heat gun on the Waverider because he no longer cares about the ship or anyone on it.
This is clearly Kendra's best episode, in that she finally went a whole episode without invoking the fact that she was recently a barista. Between this and Heatwave being written off, the Legends of Tomorrow drinking game might be permanently wrecked.
In the words of Harrison Ford "At this age, I like it whenever I'm offered work." Nobody in this cast looks like they're having more fun than Garber.
You ever see Wrath of Khan? Spock explains it quite nicely there.
The only character they've come up with a good excuse for not using is Ray, because of the plot where his tech got into Savage's hands in the '70s. It's a lame excuse to bench The Atom, but at least it's something. This episode was really missing a line about Jax and Martin not being able to form Firestorm on the ship…
The problem with the Rip flashback is that we have no reason to care about the Time Masters and their traditions. We know nothing about them, we haven't been given any examples of what their job actually is (y'know, when they're not going rogue and recruiting a bunch of people from 2016 to save the future) or how it…
The most annoying thing about the decision to board the ship is the way the show presents it to us, as opposed to Rip's actions. On the show, they talk about the possibility of an ambush, and the implication from that discussion is that if there's an ambush, it's gonna come from the Time Masters and their servant,…
Wouldn't F+ mean that you still failed, but y'know, nice try?
I'm not sure how a jury field trip is typically prepped. Neither side was presenting it as part of their case, or speaking to the jury, so it wouldn't be out of the question for an attorney to think, "I don't really have to do anything today, I'm just there to make sure the other side doesn't do anything improper,"…
It doesn't remain a crime scene in perpetuity. The purpose of the scene walk-throughs was to give the jury a better idea of the layout, not to show them an undisturbed crime scene as evidence. My understanding is that once the police department is done documenting the scene, property owners are allowed to do what they…
It's extremely unlikely that an ADA would commence a legal proceeding against a cop in a situation like this, and there are lots of ways for a cop to "apologize" without admitting wrongdoing.
The confrontation clause of the U.S. Constitution gives the defendant the right to be present during trial and presentations of evidence. Those rights are only curtailed if the defendant is disruptive at trial. It was a little surprising that he wasn't handcuffed, but I guess that they considered security tight enough…
She didn't do her prep. The defense treated the visit to OJ's house as part of their presentation, preparing OJ and the house to show them in the best light. If Clark had similarly done her homework, she could've reached out to Nicole's family to get the pictures back on the walls and at least some furniture in that…
Nah, he's not taking "the easy way out." Getting arrested with your children in the car and no other adult present poses a genuine risk to their safety. If you're a divorced father, it definitely poses a risk to your visitation and custody. Not wanting to be arrested, and have your kids held by children's services…
Apologies, then.
Actually, Travolta was pretty awesome this episode, although that's mainly because his performance was mostly limited to shell-shocked looks—first, when seeing the media scrum in front of the courthouse, and again while jurors are drooling over OJ's Heisman Trophy.
The best moment of this episode was Vance looking around OJ's house and just saying "This won't do." The lesson some people will get out of that was "There's Cochran again, playing the race card, staging the house," but the real thing is Cochran outworking the prosecution, who apparently walked into Nicole's house on…