Rogers Aching Ticker

I doubt it. If I'm any indication, podcast advertising is the single most effective form of advertising invented. As much as I like the AV Club, I never click on any of the ads on purpose. The more intrusive they make the ads, the less interested I become. By comparison, I almost always check out podcast advertisers,

So they're shutting down Wall Street next?

It doesn't have to necessarily be bad CGI—just not final With the tight schedules on these blockbusters, and the need to put out trailers and teasers long before the effects are locked, the CGI in the trailer is often going to be a draft.

I'm pretty sure she's locked into the longterm deal—that's why she keeps being in them. Supposedly the reason she doesn't like the MCU was because they fired Patty Jenkins on Thor 2. Apparently, she was a directorial pick Portman had lobbied for.

That wouldn't be an awful idea, but I like the idea of Ollie being the influential friend your father doesn't approve of. Barry and Ollie's friendship is strengthened by the fact that they have a clash of styles. Everyone getting along perfectly is boring.

Yeah, I interpreted that look as Fitz isn't going to tell Gemma he immolated Will's alien-infected corpse, and Coulson's going to keep the secret, which will make her awfully cross when Zombie Agent Squarejaw McAlien taunts her with it later this season.

Yeah, the second Coulson spotted Fitz, Ward was dead weight. The flimsy excuse for keeping him alive was gone.

Yeah, the show clearly played with time (as they did in the previous episode set on the nameless planet). The last time, if everything was occurring in the sequence we saw, Simmons would've had to climb up and down a decent-sized hill in something like 15 seconds to make it to the portal and Fitz's outstretched hand.

Enjoying the show isn't (and shouldn't be) a requirement. Being open to the show probably should be, however. A writer can get burned out on a subject, and the resulting tedium of writing about a subject that doesn't engage the writer's curiosity frequently translates into sloppy, boring criticism.

Yeah, the situation you had with Schmitt earlier in the series, where he was too cowed by the Gerhardts to look them in the face, and his mom is pals with Floyd, is pretty much precisely what the FBI exists for.

Has a Liefeld character ever pulled anything out of one of those pouches in a comic? Maybe a nail clipper, or one of those pods for a Nespresso machine?

I like all your comments, but I think that the "small time" narration was one of the downsides of introducing the narration for this episode. I far prefer when Fargo shows me things than when it tells—we knew everything that the narrator said about Milligan from the action in previous episodes. In particular, it was

Looked like a sink or a toilet tank lid.

I agree with the other posters (particularly the ones speculating that Dodd's "halfbreed" insult was because Hanzee's actually an illegitimate Gerhardt) that he had plenty of cause to go against the Gerhardts, but I thought there was a rich bit of irony to the narration presenting Bear questioning Hanzee's honesty as

I think that was what Lou was talking about when he said that he was going to try to have his boss stop it bureaucratically. Interstate extradition is still a thing, though, and it takes effort and legal permission for cops to remove a suspect from the state where they were captured, particularly when they've

Yeah, what were they trying to get Milligan on? Attempted kidnapping (of a dead guy)? What overt act was he going to do to incriminate himself? Ed hadn't even asked for money, so the only thing that could've changed hands was the corpse of Dodd Gerhardt (which they didn't bring with them, I don't think).

True, it's hard to take away something the Supreme Court gave you.

The height of narrator reliability was probably H.I. McDonough, and that's saying quite a bit.

Well, he did behead Mike's beloved Joe Bulo.

Wow. Whoever did that must be taking anatomy lessons from Rob Liefeld.