
(not saying that because I know here name, it will help her. more that people will realize that enough schmucks like me know her name, and that will help her.)

Two Things
1) she did not look pleased with this in-depth review of her "work"
2) she is probably correct that this will help her. I know her name now.

And the Naomi Watts thing hurt, as well.
Another night spent watching Mulholland Drive with the blinds closed for me.

Small? Curvy? Red-haired? Hot in real life?
Stop it man, you are killing me! (sobs)

Oh, in-DEED.

I think the issue here is that Arend is not nearly awesome enough for Christina Hendriks. I, of course, *am* awesome enough… so I see it as a slight that *he* gets to see her get u-undressed a-at the e-end of the d-d…
(mmpph…. oh god, I promised myself that i wouldn't cry…)

Saint Dominic's Preview
The song is just fantastic. Highlight of the album, and in my opinion - the perfect gateway song to Van's considerable talents.

Please Note The Powerhouse We Speak of!
An informed google search does not find much hope that Limbaugh's spin-the-bottle story will get a masterly treatment:

'tis the correct one.

Wish You Were Here
Anyone with any interest in Linkous owes it to themselves to track down his cover of "Wish You Were Here", featuring Thom Yorke singing backup over the telephone.
Seriously, seriously beautiful yet lonely voices.

"Best to understand it as a disease, an affliction of natural brain chemistry."
Agreed. It's insulting when people try to equate it with being emotionally lazy. It's a complex chemical soup bubbling away in our skulls, and sometimes the recipe gets fucked up.