Brandt Kant Watch

"…as God and Pollard intended"?  I was under the impression that Pollard was God…

We get it…Ted is a douchebag.
Putting him in that vest last night was a little superfluous…

You switched the samples!
I bet if that picture of Tom Rhumor on the Atlas McDowell fishing trip was a wider shot, it would reveal that he was actually standing next to The One-Armed Man who was there on the Devlin McGregor fishing trip.

If he was using inside info to make some money on the side, how is that a "leak"? Let's say then that he was selling his inside info, that would be a leak but it would be pretty obvious who the leak was (anyone with access to the SEC database - which would exclude Will and his team). You wouldn't need to polygraph

thanks, Noel
Your take on each episode greatly enriched my LOST experience.

Given that Wallace's name was in the Lighthouse, you may be onto something regarding Marsellus Wallace's suitcase. It would have been great if Jack and Hurley had gotten the compass to 108:

When Jack was looking in the mirror discovering his appendix scar, was anyone else reminded of the scene on the plane when Jack's neck was bleeding? I have no theories, but I think these are clues to how the Alternaverse plotline merges into the current Island events. When it finally happens, I feel like we'll be

I'm glad the producers were careful not to break continuity on awful photoshopped family photos…they must have hired the guy that added Costanza to Kruger's beach picture…

Is there any doubt at this point that Jack will be the new protector?
Jarrah is "infected," so we can cross him off the list. Hurley and Kwon don't have the gravitas. Sawyer is a possibility. But given that we already know that MIB is stuck with Locke's body, Sawyer doesn't fit into place as well as Jack does.

Good point, Michelle. Given Darlton's admiration of Stephen King, I immediately thought of Pet Cemetery when Sayid "came back to life." Like Herman Munster said, "Sometimes dead is better."

Yeah, I agree with Cathartic Bullets' assessment. I think we can conclude that because Ethan Rom is Ethan Goodspeed in the Alternaverse, the reality in the Alternaverse is the result of setting off Jughead ("It worked"). Alterna-Desmond was on Alterna-815 (i.e. not a ghost) because he was never on the Island in the

His glasses are definitely Lennon-esque.

Let's just hope they don't bring Jeffery Jones on to play Aaron's babsitter…

I don't buy that Widmore's islandmania is gone just because it's underwater. Darmaville was there, so it's likely that the Island sunk AFTER Widmore left. I think he'd still be looking for it. Obviously, the Island being underwater changes everything for Desmond, but I don't think that's because Widmore isn't still

I think the fact that Rose said she didn't see Desmond (because she was sleeping) is significant. The writers seeemed to be saying "nobody saw Desmond but Jack."

Robin's Brad Pitt/Se7en impression was the only thing that made me laugh this week…