
Type-O Negative, "My Girlfriend's Girlfriend"

"erhaps more so than the 2007 Sounds Of The Underground festival stop that saw the best damn band from Antarctica headline the grounds of Louisville’s Waverly Hills Sanatorium."
Hey! I was at that show! It was the worst run festival show I've ever been too, hours long wait in blistering sun before the gates opened

This is the only valid response in this entire discussion.

Pork Rinds are a healthy low carb snack. I smash them up and use them as breading for Low Carb Oven fried chicken and it's delicious. Pork rinds rule.

Pork Rinds are a healthy low carb snack. I smash them up and use them as breading for Low Carb Oven fried chicken and it's delicious. Pork rinds rule.

I laughed huge at Darryl mentioning the four-hour workweek as I was literally reading that book on my Ipad at that moment.