Mike R

Please see this for some serious Lulz: You might remember this guy back when people were saying that all the positive reviews for DA2 were actually BioWare employees. So based on this, I must agree! :)

What is the difference between "bought" and "paid." Do they cancel each other? Are you suggesting that you stole this game? If so how much Sneak XP was obtained?

I hate you.

This is unacceptable! I just went to GameStop to pick up my copy of Skyrim, at 11:30 am EST, and the line is to the door, so I'll have to go back. They only have one person working. Really?

We are not that different aside from the fact that if you disappeared for months no one would ask where you were, or care that you left. All would rejoice.

Actually I should have said "jokes taken as anti-semitic comments." They were funny to me, but not so much the owners of the site. I being exactly half-jew didn't see the problem in my remarks. It was more like social profiling then anti-semitic, but you know people love to exaggerate and react rashly. Their loss.

Formal Letter: Metacritic Vs AVC Game Reviews: UPDATE Actually Sent to MetaCritic in "Provide Feedback" section. The balls in their court now.Dear Metacritic,Please be aware that the The Onion (AV club) inappropriately reviews games. Namely, Scott Jones has consistently released reviews with poor grades and very

"Please AV club, no more from this guy."
Did you ever meet Mike R, oh boy what a guy, he once wrote a professional sounding letter to Metacritic with the intent of having Scott Jones and his reviews expunged from existence.

Other places…building up different personas. I spent much of my time on the Guardian Games Blog, but unfortunately a few anti-semetic jokes got me banned. In fairness I was warned, but it is what it is. I miss that place. They got my humor, but a few who were waiting on me to slip, flagged the shit out of me for said

Scott Jones did not review Gears 3, if he did it would have gotten an F, because you  know that is the game that adolescent colored kids play. He would have worded that sentiment in his usual flowery,esoteric way, so as to mask his prejudice. Fact.

at 6 and 7:


The most enraging thing about this review is that Scott Jones has the audacity to speak fondly of Halo, when we all know it was he who eviscerated Reach last year, and greatly diminished it's Metacritic average. I guess the only thing more "reliable" than Halo is the AVClub's commitment to Scott Jones and his

This is why I think online gaming needs government intervention! I kid. BUT some kind of regulation should be placed on how long someone could play in one day etc. I think this sounds horrific on paper, and I manage to be competitive even while maintaining a 9 to 5. However I do feel your pain. There is an increasing

Spoken like a real noob, but heh you got a job and other hobbies..so it's all good.

Me and my friends all agree that the underwater part was the least enjoyable part of this game. Its seemed like is was GOW2 deleted content resurfacing here in three to add length. It felt out of place, and it wasn't pretty to look at. In fact it was the worst looking level in the game. The cutscenes were a close

I'm surprised the OP SOSG isn't mentioned by the AV commenters, since it's a bigger deal than the stereotyping or sexism in GOW3. I mean, all my blacks friends like to be Cole, Jace, or Aaron griffin when playing Horde or TDM, but white folks here [at the AV] are all squeamish. If they are not offended why are you?

This is a great game. I took off work on Thursday just to finish the campaign on hardcore (my first play-through). It's definitely not easy! So for anyone complaining about enemy AI or Diff, you should think about starting games on hard from now on. All gamers do it, and you get more achievements for it! The only

I'd imagine that GameStop would literally go out of business within a year if NetFlix implemented this strategy. The problem is that GS, has great veto-power in the industry (see Square Enix/ Deus Ex: HR fiasco). Publishers would have to basically take a step back (lose immediate GS support), to take two forward down

Well you know if that's the attitude we all have, then you are right. Nothing will change. There are many things which I cannot comprehend or are beyond my ability to change, but what I purchase is up to me. I will not buy from a corporation which eliminates functionality 6 years after I bought their product on the