
Regardless of how you feel about the movie, I'm hoping we can all agree that the newly synced up "headphone" scene with Ants Marching is freaking hilarious.

See, I kind of got the opposite impression, but mostly because the show is so different that I'm viewing it more like I used to read the Ultimate Marvel comics. "Oh, so THIS is the new Iron Man/Vulture/Black Cat" etc, etc. Tulip, Jesse and Cassidy and everyone else are all so different that there's no point in

The Back to the Future reveal was something I saw coming, and it's reminiscent of a familiar John Mulaney bit, but damn if I didn't laugh my ass off once Sam came to the realization.


Stan Bush! That montage was so great, I got resonant nostalgic chills and flashbacks from the original Transformers film that transferred over to my love for this show. So great.

Picture perfect casting for the role of Mark, in that I can't NOT see Harry Crane and I can barely process what he's saying through my blind hatred of him. :)

I'm absolutely loving this season so far. Cognitive dissonance is in full effect as certain aspects of plot start to more closely parallel the comic (Jesse and Tulip are so completely different), but I'm really enjoying the fact that they're making their own thing in this series, and I'm excited to see where it goes.

So… thanks to everyone for reminding me how disturbing and graphic the book was. Do I need cocaine to enjoy it properly ya think?

3:10 to Yuma has some pretty darn direct links to Logan, imo.

Where's Reece's Pieces and Hawaiian?


I like it so far (I'm about five or six in as well), but really appreciate and enjoy it more when they explore subjects that we've yet to see or learn about. There's a really odd balance between serialized storytelling (the "main plot") and the funny little episodic bits that made season one so memorable. So far I

Unless they want to do it Andy/Erin style and show how the characters inevitably don't fit together. :)

This season was phenomenal. Always visually enthralling, taking what are fairly basic plots on a per episode basis and bringing them to life each and every time in a distinct way. Love it, and I can't wait for the next season.

I was going to say Bad Santa, then googled it and saw it's from 2003 and now I feel old and terrible.

Yeah same here, never seen it, and no one really seems to care, including me. :)

I thought that was so awesome, because he appears in DoFP and they don't explain it, nor do they talk about any of that other shit later on, simply going "a wizard did it" via means of time travel, but yeah… I like how they just went "we're not wasting even twenty seconds of a scene to explain how he's suddenly back."

I agree. As much as people slam on the MCU for having the same style and tone, etc, Iron Man and Captain America are both very distinct movies in a thematic sense, as well as visually. I love Captain America because Evans acts his ass off in that movie and really sells Steve Rogers as a person first, and superhero

Bueno hehehehe

Others have mentioned this, but HIMYM ran far too long, and spent a ton of time showing why Ted and Robin not only weren't a good fit at that time, but weren't really compatible in the long run, despite caring for one another. That finale season was also atrociously broad and overlong, except for the few episodes