
Gord Downey from Tragically Hip is one. I knew another from playing soccer.

While I enjoyed parts of the first episode, the second and third really dragged for me and the characters were becoming insufferable, so this finale salvaged most of that and brought me near tears several times.

Haha, yeah, that point in the show made me roll my eyes, only because we've seen in it pop culture multiple times where the show/book/etc becomes something that one of the character's inevitably turns into a show/book/etc.

In response to the questions you posed:
- It's good
- You have been getting good stuff, this entire time.
- They are.
- They aren't.
- There is.
- He already wrote those songs.

Big Metallica fan here. Loved the album, especially after multiple listens and checking out the videos, which were of mixed quality (often times not really matching the song or standing out in any distinct way, as a few were just shots of the band playing).

I can't wait for Luke to borrow the Fantasticar and deliver that classic line, "Where's my Money, Honey?"

I cracked up on that bit. Such a prick thing to do, and he was showing how little regard and respect he had for Cottonmouth by doing that.

What else are you going to do in a hallway?

The way I read it was he keeps putting on earbuds because he's still smarting from his experience with Kilgrave and Jessica. It's a very subtle thing, but I picked up on it immediately when he started using them. It also represents his narrow focus and desire to accomplish what he sets out to do without any

My wife and daughters still push to watch this show, but I'm honestly having a tough time making it through each episode since probably halfway through the last season.

Is it me or is Nick not just a less-creepy version of Charlie from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia? He's a loser bartender who mickey-mouses every thing he tries to fix. He's even bemoaning the loss of the actress who plays the Waitress for god's sake!

Never had a Baconator? Why didn't you have issues hearing this guy's responses from way up in his ivory tower?

That would make sense budget-wise, as you wouldn't have to go with too many sets.

I've got mixed feelings when I think back over the season, but my initial reaction to this episode is "fuck yes, it's about time!" I've enjoyed what they set up here in season one, and don't care at all that they've wiped out basically everyone at this point. There's still plenty to explore here, and knowing that I

Yeah, exactly. If you get antsy about it, just pick them up and read them.

It's quite possible, but unlikely that they'll go off-book from the comics that hard, given what happens in the books later on.

Me too. I'm a bit concerned that the angel is dead now for good, but I guess we'll see if he is able to re-emerge or not.

That's exactly what I thought, which is all kinds of cruel, as I'm expecting they'll be celebrating their accomplishment right before the big reveal/discovery.

Yes, he flat-out says as much in the episode.

Hey man, take it easy…