Periwinkle Blue Caravan

Nobody's going to read this, but here it is.  I just got a hold of a copy of this, really enjoyed it, and am glad to see it reviewed well here.  One qualm I have with the review is the mention of the Metallica doc.  I started watching that one, got to the point about 25 minutes in, where they're messing around in the

He was absolutely hysterical in Dark City.  I watched the pilot of this thing, decided to give it one more episode, and shut it off after 11 minutes of the D-rated offering reviewed above. 

I saw the Allman Brothers in '05 or '06, and they put on a great  show.  Gavin DeGraw opened, and whatever you might think of his albums, he was really good live.  The Allman's invited him on stage  for a couple of tunes, along with the Campbell Brothers, a local group (who tour nationally) who weren't even on the

To paraphrase the reviewer, I actually group Suburgatory into the large circle of television programs that have been produced for the last 60 years, or so, that I don't like to over-analyze, because they're sitcoms, and I'm not a pretentious jackass.

Yes, and I'm certain at least his first name has been mentioned in other reviews, most likely by the guy who, like this reviewer, supposedly couldn't be bothered with learning it and just called him Alan Tudyk. 

I agree.  And Fringe is definitely>>>Lost.  In which universe would that Fringe episode take place, though?

I like that this show has the officers responding to all these mundane calls, because that's probably more realistic than constant shootouts and car chases.

So the last time you were affected like that was a few months ago?  Personally, I expect that sort of thing to happen each time I turn on the TV (:

Wasn't it a cure for cancer that started everything in "I Am Legend?"  So, there.  It's very plausible.

I'll take 10 minutes of Jody and Sheila (both of whom I find annoying) over 2 minutes of Monica.

The best was him posing Shane's corpse on the couch with what I think was a book authored by Kenny (went by too quickly, so I'm not certain) lying open on his torso.

Only if Kenny did it to him.

I find Ivan funnier than Shane.  Shane was too much like Kenny, and one total asshole on the show was enough for me.  Ivan's probably a complete dick, too, but at least he's an antagonist for Kenny to worry about.

I actually commented on this 14 or 15 hours after you, before I'd read this far in the comments, so, "Sorry."  On the beach, when Stevie told Maria to shower with the baby, because she could hold him a few inches from her "pussy" and he wouldn't know what was going on, I cracked up.

I don't think AVC writers pay much attention to the shows they're apparently paid to review.  This comes from someone who rarely devotes his full attention to what's on TV, yet still catches more than these people do.  Editing and proofreading are also noted AVC weaknesses. 

So did I.  Didn't he win the Heisman, or something, then completely suck in the NFL?  Can't remember who he played for.

When he and Maria were watching the porno, it was his suggestion that they do the next thing the on-screen couple did.  And that was when the camera panned down to reveal that the "woman" had a cock, which she proceeded to stick up the guy's asshole.  So Maria just followed through.

Nice stream-of-consciousness comment.  I just wasted a few seconds looking at it.

I disagree.

I think it would be difficult to find a more derivative piece of crap song from the 90's that still fit Kenny and Shane so perfectly.