Periwinkle Blue Caravan

Attention AV Club staff, "rapey" is not actually a word.

Weren't they wearing their pink uniforms?  That's sort of a tip-off even if you'd never seen the show.  Duh (to the reviewer).

The whole review seems like it was written by somebody who's never watched the show before and decided beforehand that they'd hate it.

"My life is violent, but violent is life.
Peace is a dream, reality is a knife."

I've heard it used as a descriptor for a wimp more than once, but never as crude synonym for vagina, as Lydia did here.  What's next, cunt?  I thought I was watching The Wire, for a second.  Then DeAngelo showed up.

You'd better hide before one of these childish dipshits says you'll get CancerAIDS.

This show would be so much better if it was Emmett Cole and Russ Landry searching for everybody else in the crew, with Greenwood and Tergesen following clues to Lincoln, Tess, etc., instead of vice versa.  I've always been fine with Bruce Greenwood, and can't remember being disappointed to learn he'd been cast in

Not really his fault that the screenplay sucked cock.  He was a little kid, for Christ's sake.  Albeit, a little kid who wasn't a very good actor.

Nearly as bad as the Ewoks.

I don't think so.  That movie was garbage.  Maybe if they'd got a human to fill in for Jar Jar Binks.

At least nobody put a video of him clumsily swinging a stick around on YouTube.  That would have been a career killer.

I hated this kids performance, and his successor, Hayden Christensen's, as well, but to be fair, Anakin Skywalker was written as a cocky little shit, the type of asshole apt to embrace the Dark Side of the Force, so I guess I can't fault these guys' performances.  At least, I can't really fault Jake's, because he's

"His cousin is mad at him.  I think he stole her jeans."

I'd forgotten all about Limewire.  I went crazy on it back then, myself, until it crashed my OS and I lost everything, including the 100's of tunes I'd pirated.  I never went back.

I liked Dale for about 2 minutes.  In the first or second episode he was in, when they were all sitting around the campfire, and he said, "Words…paltry things" in a hushed tone for some forgotten reason, I began to sour to the old fruit.

I think instead of the belt, he'd say, "Boy, go cut me a switch."

It was funny when they told Carl to go inside while the adults had a discussion, and he went into the tent 5 feet away.

He's a better actor than Jake Lloyd.  Of course, Jake had more of a chance to deliver a shit performance, because Anakin Skywalker never shut up, where Carl rarely says anything.

I was waiting for Herschel to tell Glenn how he'd held that watch up his ass to keep the gooks from getting their greasy yellow fingers on it, but then I realized he probably wouldn't due to Glenn's Korean ancestry.  Because it would be insensitive.  

Wasn't it Daryl's, or actually Merle's?