
When will Fox , Groening and/or whatever evil doctors keeping alive this Schiavo-like corpse EVER pull the plug and put it and us out of misery?

I find it so interesting that not just you, but many others, see Sheldon's denial of Amy's desire for sex as cruel or selfish.  I do wonder if we were watching a show about a guy wanting sex from his girflfriend who wasn't emotionally ready for it, if we would use the words cruel and selfish.  Many likely

You wrote many truly beautiful and wise things here.  I really loved this:

Excellent points. .

Funny. I understand.

So— should I write more… or less? In your opinion.

Yea— why has Howard been the only one who gets to grow?  
I understand what you're saying but It's not really strange I'm commenting so frustratedly on this episode. This is sweeps and end of the year— a time when arcs are  coming to conclusions, a time when plot should be happening and moving forward.  I know people

I guess I've placed too many expectations on a tv show to evolve its characters when it can't even figure out how to fix an elevator in seven years.

Another deeply frustrating episode for me. I love this show, I really do. But this episode is an example of wheel-spinning at its worst.

The most God-awful episode of BBT this side of the one where Sheldon's sister visited: the Pork Chop Indeterminacy.— Naked sexism, racism masquerading as social cluelessness, and the not-under-the-radar fascism of Dr Cooper. But most unforgivable in an inconsequential, 22-minute piece of entertainment: the utter lack