
You know I've been impressed with the ability of a number of the contestants over the seasons, but it is very rare that any of them make the impression that I'd want to buy their CD or sit through their show much less both.  Jessica is a better singer but I wouldn't plop down money for a CD or go to her show.  Phillip

You know I've been impressed with the ability of a number of the contestants over the seasons, but it is very rare that any of them make the impression that I'd want to buy their CD or sit through their show much less both.  Jessica is a better singer but I wouldn't plop down money for a CD or go to her show.  Phillip

My only disappointment in this show so far is that Bridget Reagan was not a recurring character.  Maybe we can send Reese for haircuts at her salon every once in a while.

My only disappointment in this show so far is that Bridget Reagan was not a recurring character.  Maybe we can send Reese for haircuts at her salon every once in a while.

Is it proper procedure for a local police department not to back down when called off by federal agents?

"You look like you were caught by a fly fisherman."
I nearly woke up the kids laughing.

The key to understanding this show is in Mike's daughter's reaction to Daycare guy from Bones.  Can we really be all that inclusive of a society if we include everybody but Mike?

"Where are Henry and Gemma’s kids? Ever?"  I had the same thought.  I actually forgot till he mentioned it again last night.  My reaction was What kids?  Oh yeah I think I remember that.  Wait why haven't we seen them at all?

Where are the air conditioners?  With 100+ degree heat waves and Alabama humidity, you are going to have deaths not just everyone goes a little crazy.  The medical facility doesn't have one?  An obviously loaded ex-NFL player doesn't have one?  But the discussion between the fathers about football couldn't have been