
This whole arrangement seems sort of unprecedented. I wonder how much contractual control NBC has over Ryan as Constantine post cancellation. It would be pretty bad if another network took your actor and character interpretation and tossed him/her in another show and it was hugely successful. I can't imagine the

Matt Ryan makes a great Constantine, but the show wasn't as great as his guest spot on Arrow. It had a little trouble establishing the world and was just starting to get better when it was canceled.

Excellent. I just have to pick them up from my parents' house. All my old batman toys are tired, old, and grizzled. Although, they are in better shape than my kids' iron man toys that I'm refering to as prototyping accident tony stark.

Scorch's backstory/actor made me think of Sunfire which probably isn't in the Disney film rights catalog. How do the film rights work with live action TV?

Why have the original set of vampires not figured out a compulsion victim's eyes dilate like their own when the compulsion takes?

Are you sure Lori was played by an actress? I'm not.

Well I keep suggesting that my work would turn out better if it was set in Hawaii but my boss hasn't fallen for it yet.

You know this seems actually pretty PG compared to the actual story of the Minotaur.

Dr. Dastardly.  I right near killed my roommates with a crockpot in college.  I'm not sure owning a crockpot is being old, perhaps using it to make something that doesn't cause food poisoning but not just owning one.

I really want to take him seriously, but my only exposure to him has been nitpicking everything.  There is this deep nagging thought that if he were really that good of a scientist then he wouldn't waste so much time fighting minor annoyances to science.

I'd go full elf if she looked like Evangaline Lily or Liv Tyler.

I thought the episode felt a lot different than TVD.  It seems to have put a lot of people off but I was glad we didn't have TVD Jr. at least for the first episode.  Maybe it can be executed a little better but I hope it keeps a distinct feel from the other one.

@avclub-432773124021b504983e853ed7588fa6:disqus Yeah.  I'm enjoying it.  It still has a WB production quality but it is pretty entertaining.
@avclub-c701a997d9bef627835b036efb4eca63:disqus I'm just saying she's been involved in a large majority of the shows that I enjoy that were prematurely canceled.  I enjoy Arrow

Sorry she is busy killing Arrow this season.  Wait a minute.  Maybe Joss Whedon has finally realized how to unleash her true potential.

It would be kind of interesting if it were a superhuman that actually ended up saving the day and she no longer felt necessary in a world where people could be simply beyond human.

John Noble would totally overshadow everyone except Clark Gregg who he would only moderately overshadow.

They speak technical jargon with non-american accents.  I'm kind of glad the writers aren't dumbing it down.  There are a lot of technical folks who don't change their language to fit their audience's understanding.  Usually a technically skilled coworker will translate for non-technical folks.  That sure would be a

You must not have children in the house or else a half-eaten box of marshmallow cereal would not have any remaining marshmallows be they Mike or be they Sully.

As a lifelong Alabamian, I'd like to say: Bless your heart.

That isn't him, it is the nasty chemicals that leak out after the casings for the thermal detonators are disolved.  At least it isn't getting into the drinking water.