J Serious and the War Machine

"There's a snake in my boot!"

Those are just words, man! They don't REALLY mean anything!

There is no such thing as justice, silly!

America really is riding rough these days.


Jonathan, is that you?

Who asked you anything?!?

Great kidding, bro!

Dance, Charles! Dance for meeeeee!

13 Most Disturbing Pictures of Sandra Bullock Sneezing at The Golden Globes

…Jackie Treehorn

Speaking of, I think I might re-watch Buckaroo Banzai later when I'm tripping on shrooms. Thanks, nummymuffincookoobutter!

Double, double toil and trouble;
Jenji is a writin, and my caldron's a bubble.

Uhh Yeah Dude has been blacklisted at AVClub cause Seth said he doesn't care about Breaking Bad.

Listen to the most recent eps (397 396) to give yourself a taste and start working your way back. I like all the live shows but the vibe is very different from the intimate setting of the podcast so I would hold off listening to those until you're a dozen eps in. There's a handful of special episodes with Seth's mom

Far and away. If your litmus test is funny voices, celebrity guests, and dry discussions of obscure pop culture then UYD don't make the cut; all those variations, however, are just gimmicks to gussy up what is essentially a couple people shooting the shit, and no one is better at shooting the shit than Seth and

It may not be in space, but at least you can see it!

I just always say Chia La Bouche cause he's a millionaire, who gives a fuck.

That's actually my go-to pick up line when I'm getting hammered on Goldschlager. I'm two for seven.

If you can convince her to go to third face, you're home free.