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    I agree wholeheartedly. LOVED this epi so much. I too want to see more Darius, but this departure was a lovely side trip.

    This show is really painful to watch - it's just one tired TV trope after another with bad acting piled on top of bad acting. Groan. Initially I thought that Schwimmer was going to be the actor I would have a hard time stomaching, but Jim Sturgess is just the worst. And then there's the terrible writing…

    Julie Bowen has definitely had some work done - and, as usual, it has not improved her looks. Her face looks slightly frozen and waxy which I guess can be attributed to Botox (?). She's a beautiful woman who looks amazing for any age. It's a shame she's already visiting the plastic surgeon/dermatologist.

    I read the description of the episode before watching and I groaned. It sounded so convoluted as many of the episodes have been (especially in the early part of) this season. But God, this one had me in stitches. Jay and Cam having fun together was so fresh, and Phil and Mitchell were just hilarious. All of their

    Manny being "tolerable" and Manny being "an asset" are two VERY DIFFERENT things. I've only ever seen him achieve the former - and rarely. Poor Manny.

    Andre was the character played by Kevin Hart - and he disappeared (after 2 episodes) as quickly (and without any further mention) as he appeared. :-(