
I take issue with the translation
"Remords et Tristes Pets" (and it is remords, not remonds, which is not a word) means "Remorse and Sad Farts". Better or worse than before?

One question
Is that Sting?

Actually, ubiquity is an SAT word. I used to tutor for the SAT and that word was on our list. They love Latin, I'll tell you what.

@Orthodox Atheist and anyone else who might be interested—-

To be fair, bitchin' is a participle, which is a verbal adjective, but let's not parse ourselves silly.

If you can't get behind Adaptation as the best movie about the creative process ever, can you at least get behind a drugged-out Meryl Streep trying to get Chris Cooper to sing the dial tone with her? Or at worst, shrieking at him to kill Nicholas Cage before he blows the whistle on their little cartel of two?

I actually had a card that would instantly win the game: The Amulet of Quoz, which as depicted looked like a cameo of someone with Down's Syndrome. You flipped a coin, and if you called it, you won. Of course, if you were wrong you lost. Still, it was a great card because why play Magic when you can just sit there