generic av clubber



But what about Christina Hendricks mountainous milk-dispensers? Let's all talk about masturbating to them. That picture above, didn't it give everybody a boner?

Does she get naked in this? I loves me some nekkid womens!

My Grandma died yesterday, but this news really cheered me up. Fuck Grannie anyway. What'd she ever do for me except suck all my friends dicks? That shit was embarrassing. And she refused to suck mine! Old whore.

This is such great news! Thank goodness this person I've never met is going to be okay while thousands of other people I've never met are going to drop dead before the day is through! Fuck them! They're not famous, so who cares! And pretending that I give a shit about Adam Yuck means I can be that much nastier the

Man! I am so glad he's okay! My best wishes go out to him and his family.

Even teadouche likes Binky. I dunno whether that's good or bad. Seriously though, fuck teadouche.

Tasha is the enemy of fun. Wasn't that decided a long time ago?

Not funny, man. Not funny at all. Think of Pierce. Think of his kids. He made a mistake. We don't need to go here, okay? Just stop.

Eisner drew some mighty fine women…
Being a heterosexual male, I often become aroused when I see images of comely females. Even cartoon representations give me quite the boner. That's how straight I am! Anybody ever notice how hot the Mom is in those Family Circus comics? Wowza! HOW MUCH FUCK HER? Eh, fellas?

Welcome ta erf, mothafuckas!

I'mma obviously have to ax the editors about this. The thread I started was no more obnoxious than some of the stuff I've seen around here. I'm just tryin' to blend in, dammit!

I'mma send you the cure for cancerAIDS.

No one agrees with teadouche. You must leave this site. NOW.

Yes, teadouche is an asshole. We must make fun of him constantly to show how stupid his PC sentiments are. What a bore he is.