
I really like Helga, but I feel like they turned her into a bit of a monster past the third season and an episode like Helga on the Couch should have come earlier.

A terrible movie for such a fantastic TV show.

I hate using the word "hipster" as racist douches come in all different varieties, but this article is literally everything people despise about them right down to the ugly header pic they used for the article.

The douchiest hatesong article i've read yet. They sound like rejects from Girls.

mine did

Nicholas Sparks for the Creflo Dollar set. pass

Agreed. Since when was slamming a Wes Anderson movie taboo? Life Aquatic and Darjeeling got mixed to awful reviews . Literally every review i've attempted to read on his movies starts out with "Detractors might..". If anything, we hate to love him.

I can't stand Get Lucky. It's like a Maroon 5 song getting an inexplicable amount of praise.