
I think my favorite joke of the night was how accurately both the police sketch artist and the caricature artist drew the Shusher based on Dennis and Charlie's poor descriptions of the guy, as if everyone in the world knows exactly what a 'douchey nose' looks like.

Urgh, I agree. The first half is mostly just bland and then those last few films were outright terrible, like the short stories of a dour, neo-luddite school child.

Sure, when you compare it to ALL of television, it's better than the vast majority of it. The thing is I watch plenty of shows, comedy shows even, on a regular basis that are consistently better than The Simpsons' these days. I'm thinking about things like Louie, Curb, most of the Thursday night comedies, I'd even

I think you missed the point of the Bruce the Performance Artist joke, he wasn't calling Family Guy weird, he was referring to the episode of True Blood that Peter had just been watching/talking to. I thought it was one of the better jokes in an otherwise very weak episode. In fact, I think the whole animation block