Tom the Dog

I've been a fan of Hendricks through Firefly, Kevin Hill, and now Mad Men. She even popped up on new show Life this season. (Never saw her on Undressed, sadly.) And I saw her on Conan too, Virginia, and I must agree with the button assessment (cute as a).

christina hendricks is agonizingly hot
Hey, you should review this show in TV Club! Because you haven't already explained 87,000 times to 87,000 different commenters why Mad Men's first season wasn't in the TV Club!

One of my favorite musical memories: I'm in Brussels, Belgium, getting liquored up with the locals. Body Count's "Cop Killer" comes on the bar radio. And EVERYBODY STARTS SINGING ALONG. What a surreal moment — over 5,000 miles from home, singing along with a bar full of Belgians drunk on Kriek beer, "Fuck the

I gotta throw a shout-out, as I am wont to do, to my man Hoyt Axton and his hilarious 1971 classic, "Officer Ray":

I don't know if someone has mentioned it, either, but thank you. That was nagging at me! I knew I knew the song… but I couldn't quite figure out what it was.