
I thought "The Moses of Maryland" had already been greenlit by Damn it, I'll Pick a Name Later, Dotcom Productions

That Melisandre reveal made the episode for me. Talk about turning the male gaze around on viewers. "Turns out you've been ogling an old lady all this time!!!!"

Possible proof "30 Rock" and UKS take place in the same universe: the truck out of which Gretchen adopts her pitbull says it's from "Knuckle Beach Animal Rescue & BBQ" — Knuckle Beach, of course, being Tracy Jordan's old neighborhood.

As a big fan of "Black-ish," I've been thinking a lot recently about how it's not just an important milestone in TV demographic diversity, but also the potential for sub-genre diversity within a sitcom. Seven or eight years ago, back when "30 Rock" and "The Office" were still running, and "It's Always Sunny in

Did you create this account purely to post this comment? Wow.

There is literally no such thing as an "agendaless" review, and there never will be.

I don't really understand this perspective. Okay, so dealing with the aftermath of rape in a believable way that recognizes the huge psychological trauma it inflicts can drag down a story and distract from other plots. Fine. But then the question becomes — why have your character be raped at all, if you don't plan on

Bow's inability to keep from dancing when it looks like Ruby's left for good killed me.

As a fellow grader, I think it's on a curve - "Outlander" episodes aren't graded in comparison with all other TV on; they're graded in comparison with other episodes of "Outlander."

I'm sort of sad that they went with "Fawmidt" over the obvious winner, "Schmifawn" — it makes more sense in terms of the story arc, but I really think that Schmidt would have taken to having his relationship name smush rhyme with a high-end crepe fabric.

I really don't think you're giving Claire enough credit here. The second two questions you suggest are a bit disingenuous. No, she didn't know for sure that Geillis was about to be accused, but she did now that Collum was in enough of a rage to send Dougal and Jamie away, and to forbid her from joining them. Based on

After years of reading the AV club, I've finally joined just to discuss this television show, which won my heart when I watched (via less than legal means) last fall.  With all the enthusiasm and lack of artifice of a drug pusher, I've been trying to hook family and friends, hoping to have a community with which to